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2004 Avalanche Cut Backs


Full Member
Mar 15, 2003
Magnolia, Delaware
Since there have been so many threads on items cut from 2003 AVs that were on the 2002 I thought we could help GM out and give some suggestions on what could be cut for 2004. Im sure some GM bean counters look at this site for cost-cutting ideas. For 2003 the AV lost the under hood and glove box lights, glove box and center console locks, roof rack rubber strips and many items went from std. to options. Here are some of my suggestions to save GM big dollars:
Tire valve caps - 5 at 10 cents each could save GM 50 cents per truck.

If factory reduces tire pressure by 5 pounds in each tire think of all the labor and electricity that could be saved.

Passenger door key lock - Mercedes-Benz and Jeep eliminated them years ago.

Studies show that most people roll down both driver's and left rear window at same time to reduce wind - why have two switches? Thinks of savings.

That tint band on top of windshield - only blocks sun for about 1/2 hour a day - keep cutting.

Air Bag warning label - why have one for driver and one for passenger - could reduce that cost by 50% if just put one in center on headliner.

Please add your suggestions to help GM return to profitability. ;D
ROFLMAO! ;D But I'm afraid that some misguided bean-counter from GM might take some of your suggestions a bit too seriously! :-X
Don't laugh - with a $10 savings per truck, that is almost $1,000,000 on the Avalanche alone per year. Enough to pay for a few "got change" commercials.
In the spirit of the original post I'll add my suggestions (in no particular order):

  • Windshield wipers - drop the one on the passenger side, they aren't driving - what do they need to see?!
  • Seat belts - one long seat belt in back will work just as well as three = 2 seat belts & installation saved
  • Speakers - in the old days every car or truck only had one speaker. ?It was good enough for our parents - it's gotta be good enough for us!
  • Headlights - one flourescent tube oughta work well enough - folks'll see us coming and we'll see them with THEIR headlights
  • Door locks - get rid of them all and let them work automatically. ?People in the truck can't get in or out unless the truck is stopped anyway.
  • Taillights - the cars behind us can see us with THEIR headlights so we don't need any taillights. ?Besides, if they hit us it's THEIR problem!
  • Muffler - many folks are replacing their mufflers with louder-sounding exhausts. ?Eliminate the exhausts and GM will save loads of money.

Back to reality: ?By the way GM, the items that Chevy dropped (like the under-hood light, the glove box light, glove box and console locks, etc.), all need to be made available even if it's at extra cost! ?That stuff needs to be on a quality vehicle - when you take shortcuts people notice.
What? you mean I didn't get a lock for my console storage? :cry: That means that damn Valet driver is going to steal my sammich the next time I drop the truck off at the CC :rolleyes:
This is awesome.

Windshield wipers - drop the one on the passenger side, they aren't driving - what do they need to see?!

How about making the Mid Gate optional? >:D

Loose Onstar or the Jack. If you have one you don;t need the other.

Get rid of the empty tape deck storage compartment. Lining it with felt takes time and costs money.

Get rid of the tire guides on the rubber bed liner. A flat peice of rubber will suffice and would be cheaper, I'd imagine.

Sorry kenhall64,

Something tells me you had the most noble of intentions when you created this thread. But I must add that losing the valve cover caps is funny. I would be quite PO'd if I bought my truck and the Valve Caps were already "stolen" before I drove it off the lot.
Get rid of the tire tracks on the rubber mas and the midagte in the back. First off...they are too wide out. If tires of a four wheeler are on the tracks.....the four wheeler won't fit!!!!! Second....hardly anyone uses them. For those who do use them....they'll find a way!
joelis said:
:cry: ?That means that damn Valet driver is going to steal my sammich the next time I drop the truck off at the CC ?:rolleyes:

What you doing carrying sammiches in your rig when your heading to the country club....I just put everything that I eat on the tab of Mr Cocktoasten.... Waiter, can I please get another shrimp cocktail??

First off I like the tint band on the top of the windshield, that is right at my eye level and it keeps a lot of sun out of my eyes, while driving. Second, I don't believe there was a lock on the glove box in the 02's because I have an 02' and it does not have a lock. Maybe mine came without one? :mad:

I am sure that GM is very busy figuring out ways to save in building their 04' models. Personally I would say that I like the AVALANCHE just the way it is, the only thing that I do not like is GMs plan to drop the NFE package. This upsets me greatly. :8: I really wish that they would reconsider, even though it is due to low sales for that particular package.

-James R. :cool:
They can start by getting rid of all 8 or so interior lights and just have a single center light!

Passenger Heated seat, come on, do they REALLY need their arse to be warmed!

That silly plastic extension on the instake! Thinks of the cost savings on plastic and design if THAT was eliminated!

Carpeting inside the truck! Why not keep the floors metal, its easier to clean! Plus its paintable to what ever color you'd like!

Maybe, if the boys at GM save all the money, they could invest a couple of $ in a usable Overhead console.

And of course make it so it would also fit an an 02, 03 etc.
I say get rid of the cladding, the midgate the removable bed covers. Not to mention the side comparments and cut back the room in the back seats. Stick one Avalanche sticker on it and sell it for 40K.
MTBJoe said:
I say get rid of the cladding, the midgate the removable bed covers. ?Not to mention the side comparments and cut back the room in the back seats. ?Stick one Avalanche sticker on it and sell it for 40K.
Well, if you do all that, you don't even need an Avalanche sticker on it. All you need is a Silverado name plate. ;)

-- SS
MTBJoe said:
I say get rid of the cladding, the midgate the removable bed covers. ?

Cladding - done (order WBH)
Covers - done (take the cover delete option)
midgate - well you can get a Suburban but that will cost your more.


I remember a long time ago Ford figured it was cheaper to not include a part that would prevent gas tanks from exploding because it calculated it would be cheaper to pay off the victims.

go figure...
Enough to pay for a few "got change" commercials.
gotchange has his own commercials now? :2:
Carpeting inside the truck! Why not keep the floors metal, its easier to clean! Plus its paintable to what ever color you'd like!
this actually isn't a bad idea. Not the metal part, but if rubber floors were a credit option, I may have considered it and I think some other "base-model" owners may have also.
That silly plastic extension on the instake!
I think 11H might disagree with this one!

how about make base/bench seats totally manual? Make foglamps optional? Really save some bucks and make a really stripped-down base model to which you have to add every little thing (like they do with the pick-ups).

hey, I notice powersurg is back!
Well all I know is that the tricycle works with three wheels so why not save millions and remove one of the avalanche wheels.
ultravorx said:
Passenger Heated seat, come on, do they REALLY need their arse to be warmed!

Oh my girlfriend may disagree with that! :8:
She uses the heated seats option more than I do!
Take out the electric horn and putting in one of those with the rubber bulb that you squeezed should save a good deal for the General!
delete the turn signals - no one uses them anyways, besides you can always signal your intentions with your arm (finger) ;D
Could of course cut holes in the floor so you have to drive Flintstone style - could delete the whole drivetrain then...