Well our current contact list is in dire need of a good spring cleaning so I figured that I'd go ahead and blowup the current/old list and start over.?
Please private message or email me at avalanchuck_at_yahoo_dot_com (replace "_at_" & "_dot_" with "@" & ".") with the information shown below
Name (so we know what everyone else calls you outside the av community )
Year, Color & Distinguishing Characteristics (for your Av so we can quickly identify you if you're out and about i.e 2003 LPM WBH (or cladded) Z71)
Address (I will only list your city & state on the contact list but I would like everyones complete address)
Phone # (and good times to reach you at this # i.e. between 5-8 pm or before 9pm)
Email Address (please use an email account that you check on a regular basis)
Nickname(s) (used on the many Avalanche boards i.e. CAC, CA, CAFCNA, AVO, MAC, etc.)
If you're reading this please know that I will email everyone on the current list with this same info request.? If you don't get an email it might be a good idea to pm or email me this info because either 1.) my emails to you are going to the wrong email address or 2.) my emails are being filtered out as spam.? Either way you're not getting my emails.? So be sure and contact me and we'll figure it out.
Please private message or email me at avalanchuck_at_yahoo_dot_com (replace "_at_" & "_dot_" with "@" & ".") with the information shown below
Name (so we know what everyone else calls you outside the av community )
Year, Color & Distinguishing Characteristics (for your Av so we can quickly identify you if you're out and about i.e 2003 LPM WBH (or cladded) Z71)
Address (I will only list your city & state on the contact list but I would like everyones complete address)
Phone # (and good times to reach you at this # i.e. between 5-8 pm or before 9pm)
Email Address (please use an email account that you check on a regular basis)
Nickname(s) (used on the many Avalanche boards i.e. CAC, CA, CAFCNA, AVO, MAC, etc.)
If you're reading this please know that I will email everyone on the current list with this same info request.? If you don't get an email it might be a good idea to pm or email me this info because either 1.) my emails to you are going to the wrong email address or 2.) my emails are being filtered out as spam.? Either way you're not getting my emails.? So be sure and contact me and we'll figure it out.