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A Couple Of New Problems With My AV



Just got my AV back from the Dealer.

HISTORY OF MY AV: 2002 with 13,500 kms on it. Puchased October 2001. Had some poblems before, everything solved.

Problem #1 - rattle from dash sounding like 2 pieces of plastic rubbing together, far left side near steering column. SOLUTION : They replaced the Brake Bolster Assembly.

Problem #2 - condensation in psgr. side fog light. SOLUTION : They re-sealed the fog light seal.

MY PLAN: Though I love this AV, I will trade her for a 2004 late this year. I am upset though that it looks like the North Face Edition is disontinued. ?;D
SO what is your point?

They fixed your problems and you seem happy now?
Thanks for the info. I am starting to notice a similar noise from the dash. I will make sure to point it out when we bring it in for the next oil change.
ygmn said:
SO what is your point?

They fixed your problems and you seem happy now?

Yes, I am happy now. Don't really have a point, just wanted to share my experiences for those who may have similar problems.
I have nothing to add here...just a shamless post so I can hit 200 and sleep easy tonight! ;D
1busboy said:
Yes, I am happy now. Don't really have a point, just wanted to share my experiences for those who may have similar problems.

Cool I understand now it was your subject that threw me off......like you had problems and need ed help.................

Aint AVALanches cool >:D
1busboy, was there any pattern to the noise in the dash. I hope maybe this can be related to my issue. Sometimes sounds like plastic or a leaf blowing in the defroster vent (sounds like) the sound seems to come from the center of the guage console.

He probably has two vehicles and splits the mileage between the Av and the other one. Lots of us have salt-runners and grocery wagons for the everyday use.
midlifecrisis said:
1busboy - you have very low mileage on a vehicle that is 1.5 years old. ?13KM is only about ?8500 miles!

Yep, I have low kms!!! My wife drives the AV Monday to Friday to work (total of 10km both ways). We also have a 97 Cavalier Z24 that has 150,000kms that I drive to work daily. ;D
Hbrenner said:
1busboy, was there any pattern to the noise in the dash. ?I hope maybe this can be related to my issue. ?Sometimes sounds like plastic or a leaf blowing in the defroster vent (sounds like) the sound seems to come from the center of the guage console.


This is not sounding like the same thing. The noise was strictly coming fom the left side of the dash & steering column area. ?Sounded like to pieces of plastic rubbing together or like the creaking from an old rocking chair. I ass-umed that it wouldn't be corrected. I guess I'm the ass. haha. The dealership pulled through.
Blulanche said:
Hey, if it an excuse to get a NEW one, then why not!
I buy it, now try it out on the wife! ;)

The wife wants it. She loves the AV. She wants 2 of them, his & hers. If only I could afford it. I am a lucky guy. She is the one who wants & buys the mods too. :love: