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Anyone get a GM Card Bonus lately?


Charter Member
Full Member
Mar 15, 2002
Southern Delaware
In the past, at least about 3 times, we've gotten a "gift" of bonus earnings on our GM Card, usually either $1000 or $2000 extra...yet, it's always seemed to happen not long after we already bought a vehicle.

That said, we're shopping again, at least to start, and I was wondering if anyone around here had received notice of this in the past couple of months, or if they just haven't done it in a while.  Anyone get a bonus recently, or months back?
I do sometimes miss having that card.

At least, I hate not having the ORIGINAL flavor of that card.  That thing was worth a small fortune to me.  The program changes they put in place a few years back made it far from being as attractive as it used to be.
DougD said:
I do sometimes miss having that card.

At least, I hate not having the ORIGINAL flavor of that card.  That thing was worth a small fortune to me.  The program changes they put in place a few years back made it far from being as attractive as it used to be.

True.  I'm not even sure which one we have (got it back in 2001/2002), and never seem to have racked up anything past $4-500, BUT when they used to do the bonus points...it would knock that up to over $2000.

I just haven't heard anyone talking about getting a bonus points offer lately, and am curious to see if anyone has, or when the last time they got a card/email about one was.