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Anyone Know What This Is??


SM 2003
Full Member
Sep 1, 2002
Central New Jersey
While cleaning the inside of my truck, I found this very flexible rubber piece on the driver's side floor. I'm not sure if it's from under the dash or from under the electric seat. Anyone seen one of these before?


Maybe it doesn't belong to you; you might have picked it up in that lake you were swimming in!

I'm sure one of the gang knows what it is. ;D
That goes in the bottom of the tray adjacent to the cup holders in the center console.
That would make a neat contest... pull random pieces off the AV, put them at weird angles, get pictures... see who can figure out what they are...

A.J. said:
Ahhhh... Man, that was quick! Thanks, Steel!

Very funny, Chasman :p


No disrespect intended, AJ. Your trip inspired me to go on an adventure the weekend after I saw your pics. Keep having fun.
None taken, in fact I was laughing my booty off when I read that! ;D


Chasman said:
No disrespect intended, AJ. ?Your trip inspired me to go on an adventure the weekend after I saw your pics. ?Keep having fun. ?
mmdavidw said:
That would make a neat contest... pull random pieces off the AV, put them at weird angles, get pictures... see who can figure out what they are...

That is kind of what Maxim Magazine does every month. They order a random object from EBAY and send it to a random subscriber. You got to see some of the things that get sent. Wouldn't want to send parts of my Ave though. :cry:
Chasman said:
...Your trip inspired me to go on an adventure the weekend after I saw your pics...

So? How was the adventure? Any good stories or photos?