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Avalanche At The Drive-In Theater


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SM 2003
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Jan 18, 2002
New Jersey - Exit 5
In August, we plan on taking a camping trip and visiting a drive-in movie theater near Allentown PA. Has anyone else taken their Av to the drive-in?

I'm thinking of all the possibilities with the versatility of the Av. Maybe I'll face the Av backwards, open up the bed and the midgate, and throw sleeping bags and pillows in the back. We could watch the movies under the stars like we were laying in bed. Or take off the bed covers and use our folding chairs to get a great view of the screen.

Anybody else have suggestions?
I think the Tent may be required...ecspecially after the movie >:D

I like the bed idea....Do not forget to fill the sides with beer and ice and other stuff >:D
I've taken my AV to a drive-in and had it facing forward with the back seats on with the bed covers. It was not that comfortable since I had to hold myself up on my elbows to look forward, yet it was too comfortable cause I feel asleep during the movie. The back seats, however, aren't completely flat or level with the bed, at least not mine.

Plus, the driver and passenger seats were kinda in the way, so maybe sitting backwards with the bed covers off would probably be the best configuration (just depends on the weather, etc.)
Now that someone recently informed me in another thread of what a drive-in is ( ;) yes I was joking) I'd definitely park backwards and sit in arm's reach of the wife in one direction and the cooler in the other :)
Just open her up and back her in. Kids love the sleeping bags and pillows. Plus the sound coming from the speakers in the cab is great.......Once she is backed up on the berm...its a long way down from the tail gate.
Oh and if the kids spill their pop....the AV just drains it right out.....Have fun.
Maybe I should take a picture of the Av at the drive-in and send it to Chevy for promotional use.

The only thing better would be to watch a movie with Av in it!
I thought I was the only one doing this. We just went to Granberry this weekend to watch a couple of movies. Yes it is best to take the panels off and drop the midgate down. The only thing you need to remember is to wake up the kids after the movie and get them back in the seat with seat belts. I learned this the hard way on Sat. night. We were coming back to DFW and a state tropper pulled me over for speeding. One of my little girls was dead asleep and he saw her. My other little one hid under the covers. So I got a speeding ticket and a ticket for not having a seat belt on one of my little ones. Long story short it cost me $300. $145 for speeding and $155 for seat belt. :-[
OMG!! :eek:

I haven't seen a functioning drive in for more than 8 years.

God I miss those :(

We take the family to the Drive-In all the time in our AV. The sound is broadcast over the radio...so we lower the midgate and blast the radio. The kids watch the movie from the bed of the truck and we prefer to sit outside in lawn chairs. It's alot of fun! We go as often as we can cause we get to watch 2 movies for less than the price of one!

Cindy :B:
I have not tried it yet, but the salesman that sold it to me said that it is the "Ultimate Drive-In Movie Vehicle". There is plenty of cooler space to keep "Drinks" cold. If you remove the hard panels, you have somehwere to put the lawn chairs to watch the movie ???, and if you need privacy, you can just put the covers back on and drop the midgate.

We still have a drive-in in town, I might just have to try it out. :)
Believe it or not, the last movie that I saw at a Drive-In was 'The Shining' . . . that goes back a ways!

Not many functional Drive-In's left any more. Don't know why - it sure was a fun way to spend an evening, and the Av would make it even better!
avalanchecrazy said:
... if you need privacy, you can just put the covers back on and drop the midgate.
I wouldn't recommend that unless you have the load-leveling shocks ;)

Drive Ins are alive and kicking. While not as many as there were there are more than you think.

To find one near you there are too great websites to check out;


Also Chevy Trucks is creating a Drive In display they will be using at thr Oklahoma State Fair, the Tulsa State Fair, the Texas State Fair and the Mid-South Fair and Rodeo, all in September and October. (Wish me luck, I am one of the bidders to build those sets).
hey midlifecrisis,

I know that Drive In in Allentown...Shankweiler's on309 north of Route 22. Been there alot. I grew up in NJ and grandparents lived in Tamaqua, PA. Great Drive In and one of the oldest astill in existance. We should have a national AV rally at a Drive In.

Doug :D
midlifecrisis said:
In August, we plan on taking a camping trip and visiting a drive-in movie theater near Allentown PA. ?Has anyone else taken their Av to the drive-in?

I'm thinking of all the possibilities with the versatility of the Av. ?Maybe I'll face the Av backwards, open up the bed and the midgate, and throw sleeping bags and pillows in the back. ?We could watch the movies under the stars like we were laying in bed. ?Or take off the bed covers and use our folding chairs to get a great view of the screen.

Anybody else have suggestions?
midlife, you and I are old enough to remember "real trips to the drive in", when you deliberately picked movies you had seen or didn't want to see, because we had other agendas. My folks had a Nash Ambassador with complete fold down front seats ... sigh ;D
[sigh] memories . . . memories. . . . I think many of us could write entire books on our drive-in days. Always had a great time at the drive-in. You know, I remember the time that me and . . . . uh . . . well . . . . uh . . . nevermind. You'll just have to read the book. Heh heh >:D
You know the saying, "if this van's a rockin', don't come a knockin'".

My high school buddy's Ford Van was good for certain things!
goo929 said:
I wouldn't recommend that unless you have the load-leveling shocks ?;)


:eek: :eek: :eek: Talk about making the earth move! Imagine them adjusting while you were uhh...well... you can use your imagination.

OK where are there drive ins onthe east coast anymore? the last one in NY is now a BJ's and a regualr movie theater. A drive in would be worth a road trip in the Av
I just took mine to the drive in last night it was great I took off the covers and folded down the mid-gate and window and sat back and watched K19 and Minority Report got home about 2AM :sleep:
I love taking my Av to the drive-in (y). We have three within 35 mins. Normally we just take two giant bean bags and lay in the bed.

Nothing can beat it :love:
$7 bucks a person, and youi get to see 2 new releases. Plus you don't get screwed paying double the ticket prices on food. We always take a cooler and snacks ;D

BTW - This post reminded me to check and see what's playing - Definitely a drive-in night.