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Avalanche At The Drive-IN


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May 28, 2002
La Vernia, TX
Well let me give a little history La Grande Oregon has one of 5 Drive in Theater, and this weekend was the season opening. And I had been there last year with the AV and these are asome for the drive-in and I am planning a cruise here in June but that is different story (June 14, 2003~Eastern Oregon Cruise~
Anyways I loaded up the AV with blankes cause it is still getting cold here at night I went and got some 7UP (my favorate pop) and put it in the side compartment. Then I was off I pulled up paid my enterance fee and I drove in I pulled up about 3 rows back from the screen. I pull in so the back of the AV is towards the screen. People look at me funny even one guy came over and said "sir the screen is that way" I then get out take off the cargo covers people start to watch what I am doing I then go around and take out the rear window and fold down the mid-gate. The one guy said "man I wish my truck did that" I then put my cargo covers against the folded down rear seats and it provieded a smooth back to lean against. Every time some one walked by they would look and say that is cool. The movie started and I reached in my top box storage and got me a 7up and watched the movie. I think that AV is a great vehicle to go to the drive-in, in they are asome just one more reason I got an AV. I saw one of my friends pull up in his PT Cruiser (before the AV that was what I was going to get when I turned 16) and he tryed to watch the movie but the back hatch got in the way and the seats were uncomfortable...ect...ect. Well I just thought I would share this story with every one. The Drive-in is open every weekend I am going back next saturday and I will take some pics.
Nice story. I haven't been to a drive-in movie since I was your age. (30 years ago) But the way you configured the Av for the movie sounded mighty comfortable. esp if there was a young lass sitting next to you. ;)
Great story AvaLance! (y)

This could even be turned into a GTG. A few of us in one of my other car clubs (Camaro) were tossing this around last year. Nothing came of it though. It would be pretty cool, since drive-ins are such a novelty these days.

A GTG could start earlier while it was still light out. Maybe everyone meet somewhere and go to dinner. Then caravan to the drive-in to get good spots all lined up. We'd definitely attract attention, taking up most of the back row. At "half time" (intermission) we could mill around a bit more and yack it up. Can you imagine a row of Avs parked backwards, bed covers off, and everyone's sound system cranking out the movie track? Cool!
acualy I am planning a GTG/Cruise on June 14th here in La Grande and we will go to the drive-in. Or at half-time have an 03 with the Rear seat DVD and watch part of a different move...lol :rolleyes:
Here some more info on the drive in's in Oregon
Dark-Still standing but not open
Gone-Mean what it says it is gone
La Grande is the one I go to. It is now $13 per car load and they show 2 movies (depending on how long the 1st movie is). If the May 10th cruise does not happen I will go again this weekend and get some pics of how I have my AV all set up. It is a blast going to the drive-in. I hope I can get the cruise to work out.
I'll have to try that at Newberg this summer... keep driving by... reminissing about my teenage years working in the projection booth at Alfresco Theatre outside Burley, ID during the early 70's.

Yikes... I just had a flashback in Technicolor :rolleyes: :)

Took my little ones to the Lebanon Drive-in too... saw ET and the 1st Star Wars from the back of my Star Cruiser... errr... I mean Suburban.
Great story Lance, thanks for sharing. we are in the planning stages here in San Antonio to do a GTG at our drive in, hopefully it will happen on 5/16.

Last summer we were on vacation in Allentown PA, which still has 2 drive-in theaters nearby. We hit both on separate nights. I wanted to back up the Av and take off the panels, etc. But my wife said that she wanted to sit in our comfy front seats facing forward. Oh well, it was still a great view.
Thanks for the great story. Sounds like a lot of fun and brings back many fun memories.

I've never had the pleasure of going to a drive-in movie. Guess I'll have to go find one, or drive to OR!

Thanks for sharing.
i've never been to a drive in (none in nj :C: ) but i discovered one in warwick, ny last year and tried to get there EVERY weekend.. wouldn't you know something would always come up.. i finally got there last fall and boom, they had closed the weekend before.. no wonder they didn't change the movie listings from the previous weekend.. :8: i AM going to get there this summer and i agree, it would make a great gtg.. let's do it!!! >:D
I didn't think there was anyone who had NEVER been to a drive inn, can't wait to try it out in the av... but then there's a lot of things I am hanging out to try in the av. :cautious:
Skidd said:
I didn't think there was anyone who had NEVER been to a drive inn, can't wait to try it out in the av... but then there's a lot of things I am hanging out to try in the av. ?:cautious:

I guess many of us old fogies grew up going to the drive-ins. Those were great times and experiences and they were priceless. I could write a book. I guess many of us could.

For people that want to plan a drive-in GTG, here is a site that maintains a list of active drive-ins, by state. Check with the listed drive-in to make sure they are still in operation and what their parking row policies are for large vehicles.

bikerchic1977 said:
i've never been to a drive in (none in nj :C: ) but i discovered one in warwick, ny last year and tried to get there EVERY weekend..
Yeah there are none left in NJ! The Warwick Drive-in is pretty cool (I do some work occasionally for WTBQ-AM Warwick/Florida so I am over there every so often) When I was a teenager on Long Island that was the cheapest way to see a movie (especially if you put 4 or 5 friends in the trunk! :eek: ) but even in the 70s the drive-ins there were dying off.

Thanks too Lance - I had never realized how well the AV would work at a drive-in! :)
I had been trying to do that very thing for the last two weekends but due to temp and rain its not gotten done. Excellent story Lance now Im more excited than ever to back that AV up.

I was out to the drive-in here in London last Friday and saw Xmen2 and Daredevil. Even the stock sound system performed very well. As others had mentioned, I couldn't convince my friend ;) that we should park backwards. She said it would be too cold :eek: Oh well, maube next time!
OK, I can't hold off on this post any longer. We (my family and I) are trying to re-open an old drive in with a few modern twists.
If we get this thing off the ground we will have to plan a GTG there for those in N.J. (it isn't that far a drive) who don't have them and anyone one else interested.
that looks pretty darn cool.. :eek:

i'd drive the 3 hours to check it out for a gtg!! keep us updated.. as soon as ur open, we're there!! ;D
Well I went again last night and it was again great I watched The Recruit and Insomnia it was great I took my Air Matress this time it gave me a little more confert then just the mid-gate.
Blulanche said:
OK, I can't hold off on this post any longer. We (my family and I) are trying to re-open an old drive in with a few modern twists.
If we get this thing off the ground we will have to plan a GTG there for those in N.J. (it isn't that far a drive) who don't have them and anyone one else interested.

Blulanche, this looks pretty cool. (y) I knew someone would eventually set out to reinvent the drive-in. Looks like you might have a business model to do this. Keep us updated and let us know your launch date, as things progress on the project. We might also be interested in a GTG there. ;D
I agree, this is a noble thing to do. It is a great part of America growing up. With some technological updates it could be very attractive to this generation.

Hope it works out well for you!
No acualy I think I will be going to Portland so I will not be able to go this weekend.