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Avalanche's In Tibet's Tsangpo Gorge


SM 2003
Full Member
Jun 18, 2002
Fairview, TN
I thought this was last year or so. There may already be a topic running on this too.
I'm pretty sure this has already aired or something similar.
Those are some gorgeous pictures! ;D (y)

Now a question for those of you w/the GM brush guard: is that really where the front license plate goes, or is there a special bracket?
I remember this. Great article and series of photos. That out be a great Cruise.

I wonder how we could get sponsors for an AVenture around the globe. Maybe something from The Northern tip of North American Contenent straight down to the Southern tip of the South American Continent.

hmmmmm.... this would be a lot of fun.... see if we could get some IPS to hook us up with live streaming cams mounted on the dash boards. :D A website where we could upload daily photos of the trek... I am seeing a lot of sponsor possibilities here... Maybe get a flim crew?

Go the Reality TV show way... a bunch of CAFCNA members from all over converge to make the trek... maybe even get the people at Chevy to front some new loaded '04. Would make for some great commercials! People would finally see just how versitile they are.

ooohhh... how about a limited TREK edition? Has onboard air and wench that can be moved front or back?

Where do I sign up?
NW_Nick said:
Those are some gorgeous pictures! ?;D (y)

Now a question for those of you w/the GM brush guard: ?is that really where the front license plate goes, or is there a special bracket?

That is NOT where the plate goes.

It goes on a special bracket attached to the plastic covering in the midline toward the bottom. (But doesn't hang below.)