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"B" & "C" Pillars...........


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Aug 20, 2006
Its dark, I'm tired, got no room in the garage due to the move so before I go and get in deep with the mod bug....
2005 WBH
Can someone tell me how to remove the interior plastic on the "B" and "C" pillars.? (Where the seatbelts run thru)? I need all four pieces out completly.

Are they clipped in?

Will the pull right off?

Will I be able to get the seat belts out of them?

Any help would be appreciated.

the piece beteen the doors?  on an 02, they clip in, not connected to the seatbelt assy.  just pull and they come off.
grnxnam said:
the piece beteen the doors?? on an 02, they clip in, not connected to the seatbelt assy.? just pull and they come off.

On my 05 the seat belts run thru the top of these.

Guess I should have put its an 05 in first post huh?
Tango Chaser said:
On my 05 the seat belts run thru the top of these.

Guess I should have put its an 05 in first post huh?
???  different seats?  My seatbelt is connected to/inside my seat.
grnxnam said:
???? different seats?? My seatbelt is connected to/inside my seat.
Re read first post, I'm tired! 

Yep, "B" pillar your right, no belts. Cool I'll pull them in the am.

Anyone know about the rear "C" pillar? How to remove and get the belt off?
Raceman said:
Sawsall is your best friend

I went that route when I put in the leather on the rear seats.  Thus I no longer have a seat belt for the center rear passenger!  :rolleyes: :D
if the passengers were very important, they wouldn't be sitting in the backseat.