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BLUEDEVIL made it to...........


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Aug 20, 2006
POST #2000

CAFCNA 2007 Supporting Member
Full Member


Joined: 02/13/05
Posts: 2000

Congratulations!!!? Lots of great posts and a SWEEET looking AV.? I always look forward to the latest mods.

Now get the latest mods DONE and post some more pics!!!!

Keep 'em coming, Mick.

I've been a member for 1-1/2 years longer than you and you've got 700 more posts than me. I guess I'd better get busy or give up!  :p

thanx guys. thnx TC.

2 quick years in the making and finally i whored my way up. phew!

im on a 300 mile hike as i post this. i call it: commitment when checkin in while driving. isnt text messaging while driving banned?  hehehe i should get arrested.

you guys been great to me and thats what makes me come for more. of course ill keep posting updates and comment on your ride for years to come.

thank you,mick.