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Body shop got overspray on my windshield


SM 2005
Full Member
Mar 14, 2003
Portland, OR
I had a body shop do a repair on my front fender and they got overspray on my windshield...

Any suggestions on how to clean it off without damaging the windshield?
mineral spirits? lacquer thinner? 000 steel wool?

what is the best solution???
does OR auto insurance cover a freebie windshield because of breakage? :cool:
hmmmm  that's a thought  but after what BrianLee went through.. I think I'll find a way to clean it  :rolleyes:
I use a new razor blades to clean glass, then a good wipe with class cleaner.

Not the contractor blade but the type with cardboard around the edge.
Alaska_AV. said:
I use a new razor blades to clean glass, then a good wipe with class cleaner.

Not the contractor blade but the type with cardboard around the edge.

Spray window cleaner on the windshield and use a razor blade to scrape it clean.  Hold it at a slight angle and use it like a mini squeegie.  Just be careful and take your time.  The window cleaner may be a bit slippery but it will lubricate the glass and help prevent scratching (very rare but possible). 

If you do cut yourself, the window clearner will cleanse the wound and help you locate the injury.    :laugh:
The steel wool should do the trick. I work for an OEM glass company and that is what we use.
INresponse said:
Spray window cleaner on the windshield and use a razor blade to scrape it clean.? Hold it at a slight angle and use it like a mini squeegie.? Just be careful and take your time.? The window cleaner may be a bit slippery but it will lubricate the glass and help prevent scratching (very rare but possible).?

If you do cut yourself, the window clearner will cleanse the wound and help you locate the injury.? ? :laugh:
(y) (y)
Take a quick detailer type spray, and then either use claybar, ultra-fine steel wool or razor blades in conjunction with the spray as a lubricant.

as this was what it was invented for....
ygmn said:

as this was what it was invented for....

One small word of caution, clay sticks on glass and leaves some of itself behind at times.
DougD said:
One small word of caution, clay sticks on glass and leaves some of itself behind at times.
not if done with proper lubricant spray and out of sun...

ygmn said:
not if done with proper lubricant spray and out of sun...

A little EXTRA lubricant helps when dealing with glass, that's all :)
I used the clay bar and it worked fine.  But remember to keep it lubricated. (y)  Good Luck!
ended up using 000 steel wool and LOTS of windex....

seems to have cleaned it off.... will know for sure in the morning

Thanks for all the input!!!  (y) (y) :wave:
danlwil said:
ended up using 000 steel wool and LOTS of windex....

seems to have cleaned it off.... will know for sure in the morning

Thanks for all the input!!!? (y) (y) :wave:
Glad to hear it. (y)
danlwil said:
ended up using 000 steel wool and LOTS of windex....

seems to have cleaned it off.... will know for sure in the morning

Thanks for all the input!!!  (y) (y) :wave:
that must be a relief