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Jan 10, 2002
Edmonds, WA
Sorry about the low res photos ... these were taken off a video tape recorded 30 minutes ago ... just excited to share.

My truck was featured in a car club special segment which aired tonight. ?She was shown glowing / flashing her neons and blasting her music representing our club ?:cool:

I will try to get a digital copy to post here from the station. ?

Great job Goo!
goo - when we talked about this I thought this was local TV - Holy guacamole dude you RULE! It's been almost two years since I've seen this - the traffic logs should be interesting...
I bet Chief's web traffic logs are gonna be a bit like that commercial of the company that opens for ordering on the web, their order counter is shown spinning out of control and they don't know how their gonna handle the orders...UPS I think. Anyways, congrads. I hope more of us can come across these opportunities.
bradyb said:
Good Job Mr Goo!

How did you score the TV spot?

I go "cruizin" three nights a week. No doubt with my neons & strobes, loud music, chrome MODs and the fact that my ride is huge next to others (ricers, euros, classics), I think makes me stand out a little. It is an Avalanche after all ;D I thought it was just a crank call at first when FOXNEWS tracked me down. They really liked and played on the angle of a car club being started through the Internet and for a NEW vehicle too. They were impressed at the rate at which we have grown.

I am waiting for their engineering dept to get back with me with a format for the PC. I do have a tape of the program. Maybe I can find someone in town to port it over to the PC :0:

Oh darn! I can't believe I missed something like this! Foxnews? When was it aired? They'd probably show it again sometime (hopefully), so I'll have to check into it!

Darn it! Why did I miss something like this! ???
:cool: :B:
I guess it will be MR. Goo from now on...haha
Great job goo, i could almost picture you riding the streets in alamo city, was there about 5 months ago. kids love it there, so much to do

Speechless.. Im just speechless goo.. thats fantastic. Great job.. completely amazing.. hehe