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Can you say CONVOY? Bring your two-way radios (FRS/GMRS) to Nationals


SM 2005
Full Member
May 6, 2003
Shawnee, Kansas
Don?t forget to bring your two-way radios to National.  I have six and they are on the packing list for Nationals. 

I putting together a must bring list

  Two-way radios
  More Beverages (for the kids)

That should do it. (Might have missed a few things)
Unfortunately, I have seen a member drive a different vehicle to a GTG than their Avalanche.  I think the excuse was they did not want to get the truck dirty.

Not naming any names but it was at Fire and Ice GTG.  He has now sold that clean AV and got a new clean AV, not sure if the new one gets out of the garage much.
Ava 2500 said:
Unfortunately, I have seen a member drive a different vehicle to a GTG than their Avalanche.  I think the excuse was they did not want to get the truck dirty.

Not naming any names but it was at Fire and Ice GTG.  He has now sold that clean AV and got a new clean AV, not sure if the new one gets out of the garage much.
hmm, I know someone who did that too.
You guys packed already???  I have two vacations in two weeks, I have not started packing for the first one yet.
liteft01 said:
AA/AAA battery charger that can be used in the truck.
Yes everyone pack your Battery Charger  (y) Its going to be a long week :D
maverick1974 said:
You guys packed already???? I have two vacations in two weeks, I have not started packing for the first one yet.

I'm with you; I will probably start packing at midnight on the morning I'm leaving.  :beating:
IB Mike said:
I'm with you; I will probably start packing at midnight on the morning I'm leaving.  :beating:
Truck gets service tomorrow. Saturday I load gear for first trip.  Sunday I leave on first trip.  Thursday I drive home, Pack for second trip.  Friday I leave for Rapid City.
My mom came down to visit a few weeks ago and while she was here we went camping in Myrtle Beach and flew out to Vegas.  She drove down here with 3 bags...1 for here, 1 for the beach and 1 for Vegas.  Me on the other hand, pack the day before.  She will also be done Christmas shopping by next month.

Though I will look for my radios.  Not sure where the hubby put them.
Had the truck serviced yesterday.  Vacationing with 5 kids taught me to start packing early so we didn't forget everything.  Old habits are hard to break.........but, no kids this trip!
Pack early, check the list twice, don't forget to pack an attitude for a good time!

Ghostwheel said:
Is the Official channel going to be the same as last year 7-0?

You are correct sir!

We will be able to make channel adjustments as needed.

We will start on channel 7-0

Just finished charging the radios and they are packed. 

If you are bringing a digital camera, make sure to pack any cables / adapters necessary to download images onto a PC.