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Check Out This J & J Grille

YES! I like it! If you can get them to discount it by around $200 put me down for a group buy.
Not sure what the group price would be, I'm sure it will depend on how many members would be interested. I'll give him a call tomorrow to see if I can get some kind of estimate.
I like this grill, Different! not the same ole' lines. :)
I'll have to watch to see if a group buy comes about!
hey, this grill reminds me of those old sad face buicks back in the 50's...........oops, giving away my age! It got me thinking, has anyone tried to cut out the center bar, you could finish it off on the sides with fiberglass so it looked like it was never there. Paing the chrome rements that are left on the sides to match the rest of your AV and then you would have a big opening and could try to mod a '54 Buick sad face grill in there! Anyone good with photoshop?
I have to agree with chevroletavalanche on this one. I prefer the horizontal billet grilles. But to each his own... That is alot of bling bling though!!!! :eek:
Wasn't planning on messing with my Grill but this is sharp. I think I will start seeing which bowtie would go best with this. If I'm going to change the front I might as well do both at the same time.
Z66 BUTCH said:
hey, this grill reminds me of those old sad face buicks back in the 50's...........oops, giving away my age! It got me thinking, has anyone tried to cut out the center bar, you could finish it off on the sides with fiberglass so it looked like it was never there. Paing the chrome rements that are left on the sides to match the rest of your AV and then you would have a big opening and could try to mod a '54 Buick sad face grill in there! Anyone good with photoshop?
Sounds like a GMC version of the Av. :0:
Stull has a bolt-over grille similar to this, just slightly more than their horizontal billet grille. At one point I had the part number for it but haven't decided whether to buy it or not.
In order to receive a group discount price between 20-25%, J&J would have to ship all the ordered grilles to one location. If grilles are to be sent out individually to each member the discount would only be about 10%. ?J&J also mentioned that they can pack the grilles as one large package or pack each grille individually. Okay members it's up to you. I'm looking for some direction from the chief or a moderator.

MyBigToy said:
Stull has a bolt-over grille similar to this, just slightly more than their horizontal billet grille. At one point I had the part number for it but haven't decided whether to buy it or not.

I looked and couldn't find a Stull bolt over with Vertical bars. Can you include an address or link MyBigToy.

I just checked, do not still have the part number. I first saw the picture in one of the 4 Wheel Parts Wholesalers Off-Road Adventures magazines. I called Stull direct, they gave me the part number, and I called 4-Wheel Parts for a price. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


I also found this site and checked with local distributors for a better picture just to be sure if this is what I wanted. Not one had a picture and out of frustration I gave up. In your contacts with JJ could they offer just a picture of the grill not installed?
I did find the number of the Stull grille, it's 5859. Stull has updated their website and now has a picture. So far, the best price I have found is $145 at Coolwheels.com. I think I'm going to buy one mid-month .... already spent this month's mod money! ;D
After comparing the Stull and Tuff Tube, I prefer the Tuff. Count me in for the group buy
20 to 25% off still puts it in the $250 range + shipping which is still quite high ?:-[
I like ?:) but it needs to be priced under $200.00 for me to buy one.
I'm in for a group buy. Any thoughts on removing the factory grill so it recessed?