Here are the vital statistics as of 8/31/02 11:59 PM: ?
? ?
Number of registered members: ?2,634 ?
Total unique visitors: ?113,642 ?
Total page views: ?1,056,764 ?
Total unique hits: ?9,065,988 ? ?
Total traffic in gigabytes: ?55.4
Average page views per visit: 9 ?
Average length of visit: ?14 minutes 28 seconds ?
? ?
This represents a 20% increase in unique visitors and a 20% increase in page views from the month of July. ?Membership grew 28% and we surpassed 2,500 members bringing us very close to a 2% reach. ?Page views per visitor was once again static and the average visitor stuck around for 27 more seconds compared to last month. ?This represents our eighth consecutive month of growth. ?
Most visited pages in order:
1. Discussion Board Home Page (1)
2. CAFCNA Home Page (2)
3. Chevrolet Avalanche 2002 Owners Manual PDF (3)
4. Owner's Reviews Home Page (4)
5. Resources Home Page (5)
6. Cruise Database Home Page (6)
7. Fun Stuff Home Page (7)
8. Chevrolet Avalanche Online Parts Guide (
9. Club Store Home Page (10)
10. 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche Features Page (9)
There was very little change in the ten most visited pages.
** New to the list ?
Thanks for another great month!
? ?
Number of registered members: ?2,634 ?
Total unique visitors: ?113,642 ?
Total page views: ?1,056,764 ?
Total unique hits: ?9,065,988 ? ?
Total traffic in gigabytes: ?55.4
Average page views per visit: 9 ?
Average length of visit: ?14 minutes 28 seconds ?
? ?
This represents a 20% increase in unique visitors and a 20% increase in page views from the month of July. ?Membership grew 28% and we surpassed 2,500 members bringing us very close to a 2% reach. ?Page views per visitor was once again static and the average visitor stuck around for 27 more seconds compared to last month. ?This represents our eighth consecutive month of growth. ?
Most visited pages in order:
1. Discussion Board Home Page (1)
2. CAFCNA Home Page (2)
3. Chevrolet Avalanche 2002 Owners Manual PDF (3)
4. Owner's Reviews Home Page (4)
5. Resources Home Page (5)
6. Cruise Database Home Page (6)
7. Fun Stuff Home Page (7)
8. Chevrolet Avalanche Online Parts Guide (
9. Club Store Home Page (10)
10. 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche Features Page (9)
There was very little change in the ten most visited pages.
** New to the list ?
Thanks for another great month!