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Chevy Avalanche Fan Club Web Site Month Of August


Charter Member
SM 2008
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2002
Edmonds, WA
Here are the vital statistics as of 8/31/02 11:59 PM: ?
? ?
Number of registered members: ?2,634 ?
Total unique visitors: ?113,642 ?
Total page views: ?1,056,764 ?
Total unique hits: ?9,065,988 ? ?
Total traffic in gigabytes: ?55.4
Average page views per visit: 9 ?
Average length of visit: ?14 minutes 28 seconds ?
? ?
This represents a 20% increase in unique visitors and a 20% increase in page views from the month of July. ?Membership grew 28% and we surpassed 2,500 members bringing us very close to a 2% reach. ?Page views per visitor was once again static and the average visitor stuck around for 27 more seconds compared to last month. ?This represents our eighth consecutive month of growth. ?
Most visited pages in order:

1. Discussion Board Home Page (1)
2. CAFCNA Home Page (2)
3. Chevrolet Avalanche 2002 Owners Manual PDF (3)
4. Owner's Reviews Home Page (4)
5. Resources Home Page (5)
6. Cruise Database Home Page (6)
7. Fun Stuff Home Page (7)
8. Chevrolet Avalanche Online Parts Guide (:cool:
9. Club Store Home Page (10)
10. 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche Features Page (9)

There was very little change in the ten most visited pages.

** New to the list ?

Thanks for another great month!
No, sir...as always...THANK YOU!!!
I have been around since there were only about 500 members and I am thrilled with the growth and interchange between people at this site. I can only imagine the elation you must feel...WAY TO GO!!! (y) ;) ;D :cool: :B:
This site is only going to continue to grow and grow and grow....now with our 03's coming out we can add to the list of Av owners and their families.....

Couldn't have been possible without you Chief....so goodluck and thanks for all the good times... :B:
Thanks a ton Chief

You've done a great job maintaining and upgrading the site/club. Even when faced with problems (like the crash last May - which deleted me because I was too new :6:) but you pulled it together and CAFCNA came out better than ever!

I remember when this site first started back in the Edmunds days. I wish I joined then but I never thought I would own an Av and now I do :love:

Thanks to Chief and to all the other moderators also for a great website! (y)

Yeah Chief, Thanks! I love this site! I've learned so much and I'm able to share at the same time. Thanks again! ;D ;D
By far the best website in my "favorites" menu.
Thanks Chief and all those involved in making this a great site.
Hats off to you guys. I owe you a cold beer.
like i said before, chief you gotta lot of guys riding with you just for the av of it!!!.. any av ride is a good ride!!
:B: :B:
This place rocks! I've learned more from all the members here than the Chevy site, my dealer, and all the magazines combined. Great database, good people, and the best vehicle ever.

lightbg said:
:B: :B:
This place rocks! I've learned more from all the members here than the Chevy site, my dealer, and all the magazines combined. Great database, good people, and the best vehicle ever.

Welcome to the forum lightbg - lots more to come, ;D
Feels good to know that we all share a mutual desire to better our Av's and share info with eachother...it's a kinship that can be surpassed by no other... :B:
lightbg said:
:B: :B:
This place rocks! I've learned more from all the members here than the Chevy site, my dealer, and all the magazines combined. Great database, good people, and the best vehicle ever.
I second that. This site should be availible at all dealers. For buyers as well as salespeople.

I told the owner of my dealership about this site and he flipped. He no idea about the site. Good work. I happened upon it one day and visit it now as awesome as I can. Our AV family will just grow and grow as the AVs take over the roads, forest, creeks, and other parts of nature.

once again chief, THANK YOU!! by far this website keeps getting better and better! thanks again!

Great site, great job. Thank you for all of your time and effort that you put into this which all of us AV'ers benefit from. regards... -pete