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Christmas in July... Help out the Kids


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Feb 20, 2004
Advance NC
Maybe have a collection early July then ship them up, or find someone close by that is driving...

The Children's Home Society houses 52 children 4 to 13 years old. The Emergency Foster Home a part of CHS houses 6 children newborn to 17 years old. That is a total of 58 children that could use a little love. One of the days during the week we will be visiting the Children's Home Society for an Ice Cream Social meeting the children and staff while displaying our Avalanches. I was thinking since there are only 58 children, we could have "Christmas in July" for them
Come on NC lets help the kids out..? Lets be sure the AVALANCHEs that are able to go leave them speechless..

PS I am willing to collect the items and pay for the shipping..!!!!

Those shopping
Hugz & Babydoll
X's Mrs.
skyview & TequilaRose
Hugz said:
Maybe have a collection early July then ship them up, or find someone close by that is driving...

Come on NC lets help the kids out..? Lets be sure the AVALANCHEs that are able to go leave them speechless..


PS I am willing to collect the items and pay for the shipling..!!!!

I'm in !!!!!!!!? I will buy some stuff this week.? Let's see if everyone is willing to bring some stuff to the GTG.? I will say on a "local" note.? There is a need for this right here in NC as well.? I know of 2 places we could do this for too.? But here there wherever.........we are in!!!
stuff they could use

Arts & crafts supplies
Colors & markers
Scrapbooking supplies
Small dry erase boards
Board games
Card games
Recreational games
Sports equipment
Disney movies
G-rated movies
Educational DVDs
Kids? music
CD players
Video games
Games for PlayStation
Gameboys & games
Children?s books (all levels)
Books on tape/CD
Legos sets
K?nex sets
Magnetix sets
Matchbox & Hot Wheels cars
Action figures (not violent)
Dolls of all kinds
Children?s Clothing (new)
Hats, mittens, & scarves
Slipper socks
Towels & wash cloths
Hair accessories

Gifts cards to:
Hobby Lobby
Payless Shoes
Fast food restaurants
Forgot to say..  Try to wrap them and place a ruff age of the tag..  It will help out when they get delivered..
This sounds kinda like the "Angel Tree" thing we do every year at Christmas. Count us in.

I agree though, I think we should discuss local charity efforts at the next GTG maybe.
the local thing is fine..  But this is somewhat special event as the time of the year...  Would love to do another later this year for sure..
Put me on. I'll be bringing the gift ready to go, wraped and tagged at the May GTG.

Thanks Hugz for sending the package for us.

We should do a local one later it would be GREAT!!

Hugz said:
the local thing is fine..? But this is somewhat special event as the time of the year...? Would love to do another later this year for sure..

x's Mrs. said:
We should do a local one later it would be GREAT!!

Agree on this. Since this one is already started lets bring gift to send for the Christmas in July but the next NC GTG, we should definitely do a charity something. Would be great!
Was thinking about gift cards..  Very easy..  that way
Moddess said:
Put me on. I'll be bringing the gift ready to go, raped and tagged at the May GTG.

Thanks Hugz for sending the package for us.


Guy might not like tagged part, but.....


Do you get it?
THIS JUST IN....!!!!!!​

amd1900mp said:
I found out today the gifts will be able to be purchased at any Target store and picked up in Rapid City or you can bring them with you.

We are working on a custom wish list. The list will include specific items as well as items to support The Children's Home Society facility. Each of the children are going to the Rapid City Target to help the staff scan items and create a custom list. All of the details should be available next week.

HERE YOU GO NC...  Lets see what we can DO.......

amd1900mp said:



*? *? *? Christmas in July Target Gift Registry Link? *? *? *

Friday July 27th is Christmas in July with the Black Hills Childrens's Home Society!
9:00am to 12:00pm: Christmas in July, Silent Auction, Show & Shine
12:30pm to 2:00pm: Lunch (provided by The Children's Home Society), Raffle Drawing & Awards
2:00pm: Caravan forms
2:30pm: Caravan departs for Reptile Gardens, Cosmos Mystery Area, Sturgis, Deadwood, Lead

Black Hills Childrens's Home Society
24100 S. Rockerville Road
Rapid City, South Dakota 57702
All items purchased with this registry on-line will be waiting in Rapid City unless you enter a different ship to address. If you purchase an item in the store, you will have to request you want it delivered to the registry address and they will have it available there.

* Do not choose the "Gift Wrap" option *

* You can enter a "Gift Note" if you wish *
If you need to access the registry from outside CAFCNA go to www.target.com and hover over or select "giftregistries" at the top of the page.

Make sure "Mother" is selected then enter:
First name = Chevy
Last Name = Avalanche
Arrival State = South Dakota
Arrival Date = July
Then click the "Search" button.
Select "Chevy Avalanche" on the next page and have fun shopping!
If you don?t have an account with Target.com you will need to create one to purchase on-line. The process is quick and simple.

Thanks for supporting the boys and girls at "The Children's Home Society" in Rapid City for Christmas in July!
Anyone want to pitch in a buy a few bikes for the kids?? They are not but $40 a piece..!!!!
We can buy online at Walmart then have shipped there for free..??

Great idea Hugz. Hope you'll get some people to pitch in. I have already send 3 gifts that I bought on the Target link.
Moddess said:
Great idea Hugz. Hope you'll get some people to pitch in. I have already send 3 gifts that I bought on the Target link.
VERY NICE MA..  I knew you had already..  GREAT JOB...
I remember seeing a link to the bikes somewhere. Could you post it here for us. We'll do that instead of the Target thing. What kid wouldn't love a new bike!
Wanted to thank Moddess and xnightwolf clans for sending up some gifts to the kids..
Also want to thank Skyview for helping out on the bikes that I  ordered for our state and RegionII

(y) (y)

Thanx so much to all of you..
