I thought I had originally seen another post on this, somewhere, but it's not in this "Maintenence & Care" section so, I'll reply here with the info I learned today.
From two different sources, today, I was told that the bed in your Av is NOT made of metal. It is a composite material and can not rust. I heard this from my local mechanic, while I was there getting the tires/wheels rotated on my Jeep. So, I then drove immediately over to the nearest Chevy dealer to get this info confirmed. And, the dealer's people all say it is so. Now, before I went into the dealer's building I stopped out on the lot and opened the tailgate of a "North Face" Av. Why that tailgate was not locked I'll never know. But, I lifted the rubber-mat and knocked on the floor, all over the place, and although I heard nothing that sounded like metal, I could find no way to verify what it was. But, when I went inside the showroom there was a Silverado PU on the showroom floor and one knock on that bed-floor sure sounded a lot different. You could tell, right away, that it WAS a metal floor. I asked everyone I could find in there and they all insist that the Av had a composite bed.
I'm not to prone to believe everything that 'car-dealers' say so, I present this to my fellow CAFCNA members to determine the fact or fiction of this info. I, for one, hope it is true.
Now, if it is true, that the bed-floor is not metal, then rust is no longer the main concern of all that moisture under the rubber-mat. But, mold and mildew certainly are. Phew stinky!! So, keeping that bed dry is still a good idea.
Please let me know if you can verify this as true or not.
CAFCNA members are the best source for getting the real scoop on everything "Avalanche". Thanks gang.
~ Mick.