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Columbus GTG


Full Member
Jul 14, 2006
Perhaps we could plan a GTG at Quaker Steak and Lube. Good food at the Lube, other cuisine nearby, lots of parking, centrally located, just don't plan on Wed. nites since that's bike nite! ( I'll probably be there on Wed. too!) It would be great to see the Lubes lot filled with Avys!
Oh what the hell.... I've been here now for almost 3 weeks.......

Whatever. Good luck trying to get anything going here in good ol Columbus. I've been trying now for 2 months.

Man you guys are a rough crowd.

I generally am the Columbus guy.... And try to do things central to everyone in Ohio... But... Let me tell you that I have been busy... It seems like 3 out of 4 daughters all decided that the were going to have babies this summer.

So from March until last week we had three new arrivals with 2 of them being 3 weeks apart... Well that alone would almost be enough for anyone.... 2 of the three were text book births, the third little girl wanted to establish her self as the queen of them all and had to be transferred to Children's Hospital 1 day after birth. She ended up staying there for almost 2 weeks.. Mother and baby are all fine now.

So as you can see I have been out of the GTG game for a short while.

Now I can get back in the game I hope.? If any of you are in Columbus and like Cigars there is an even this Friday at little Cigar shop I frequent. There will be food and beer at this event. Its this Friday 29th from 4:00 until 7:00 of course I will have my avalanche there. If you are interested in this mini GTG and are in Columbus come on down to 1044 South High Street and Just ask for me (Jerry) they all know me my friend owns the place.

Other than that let me know what in Columbus you might want to see or do and I will put together.

We all had dinner at an Italian restaurant one evening and if you want to do that again just let me know and I will plan it....
There are 2 open now in columbus.... but you cant get near them.... the lines are so long that the police end up doing crowd control.