Tonight after 24K miles on the AV, I decided to understand how to lower my spare.
Once I got it down, I noticed something very odd. The spare had areas on the side wall that were worn away from rubbing against the bottom of my AV. One spot pictured is kind of deep.
Where the tire has rubbed I have bare metal under the AV.
It is going to the dealer this week for an inspection.
See picture of damage to the spare. The dark spots in the full tire shot are where it has been rubbing.
I suspect it left the factory not fully snug
You might want to drop your spare to have a look - glad I found this before I reached 36K
Once I got it down, I noticed something very odd. The spare had areas on the side wall that were worn away from rubbing against the bottom of my AV. One spot pictured is kind of deep.
Where the tire has rubbed I have bare metal under the AV.
It is going to the dealer this week for an inspection.
See picture of damage to the spare. The dark spots in the full tire shot are where it has been rubbing.
I suspect it left the factory not fully snug
You might want to drop your spare to have a look - glad I found this before I reached 36K