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This past weekend I was driving back from the store, I was doing 55mph and I was coming up on a big truck parked on the shoulder on the opposite side of the road. However coming the opposite direction was a 1500 Ram doing around the same speed. Now under normal conditions if their is a vehicle blocking the road on your side then you should wait until there is no traffic on the opposite side. Well this Ram felt that I should wait for him and nearly made me drive into the woods!
I ended up going on the shoulder and through two deep potholes, and I just hope that my alignment isn't F.U.B.A.R.!
I have begun to notice that the majority of Ford HD drivers and Ram drivers in MA have very poor tempers and very poor driving skills. They are the ones that always cut you off on the highway and/or force you to slow down so they can get by. I have never run into a Chevy owner that does that, no matter what they drive.
-James R.

I have begun to notice that the majority of Ford HD drivers and Ram drivers in MA have very poor tempers and very poor driving skills. They are the ones that always cut you off on the highway and/or force you to slow down so they can get by. I have never run into a Chevy owner that does that, no matter what they drive.
-James R.