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Dangerous Rams

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Jul 18, 2002
Cooperstown, New York
This past weekend I was driving back from the store, I was doing 55mph and I was coming up on a big truck parked on the shoulder on the opposite side of the road. However coming the opposite direction was a 1500 Ram doing around the same speed. Now under normal conditions if their is a vehicle blocking the road on your side then you should wait until there is no traffic on the opposite side. Well this Ram felt that I should wait for him and nearly made me drive into the woods! :8: I ended up going on the shoulder and through two deep potholes, and I just hope that my alignment isn't F.U.B.A.R.!
I have begun to notice that the majority of Ford HD drivers and Ram drivers in MA have very poor tempers and very poor driving skills. They are the ones that always cut you off on the highway and/or force you to slow down so they can get by. I have never run into a Chevy owner that does that, no matter what they drive.

-James R.
Sorry to hear that you too have rude drivers in your state.

If it was me, I would have chased him down while calling the State Police. After they intercepted I would have stopped to expain how rude his actions were (in my own language). He would then be paying for a 4 wheel alignment regardless.

Hey, I really hate to stereotype, but I always noticed the same thing with Dodge guys; I think they're primarily the guys that try for the Bad Boy image, and that's just their general attitude. That's how Dodge promotes themselves, so that's who they appeal to. Funny that you mention it now, too.
Well I did think about going after the guy and at least getting his lisence plate and get the police to watch out for him. But then I figured that it would end up being too much aggrevation, anyways my alignment seems to be fine right now, but from now on I will make sure to get the plates of anyone that does that from now on.

-James R. :cool:
Some people really don't know where the edges of their vehicles are. ?They have a heck of a time parking in tight parking spaces.

I think that who ever is at the obsticle first has the righ of way. If you both arrive there at the same time, who ever has to leave their lane has to wait. ?I think it is just like making a left hand turn on a two way street. ?You turn when it is clear and safe. The other traffic doesn't turn to get out of your way.

Just one more reason that I like the idea of heavy duty metal bumpers that stick out wider than the mirror.
I live in Colorado and I see rude drivers all the time just like that, but most of the drive those yuppy cars and SUV's. What I'm refuring to is Lexus, Mercades, Infinity and BMW. These are the the types I always have a problem with. I have some very stong opinions about the driving rules and who should have diver license and who should not. But I don't make up the rules you know. I also have very strong opinions about emission testing. I thing they should make emission test tuffer to get those cars off the road that are death traps. I almost ran over a car one night cause they had no tail nights and I didn't see them until I ended up right on top of him. Not to mention he was driving like 10MPH under the speed limit. So if you want to here my opinions about driving just ask and I'll tell you. I don't want to say anything to offend anyone. BUt if someone asks I'll tell you.
Most people stay out of my way - they see my metal bumper and they think twice about doing something stupid in front of me - I would never want to risk getting hit by my bumper.

I think those who have done something stupid - juts haven't checked their mirrors to see what is right behind them ;D
I do agree with you that first to the obstacle goes first, and I was first.

I do think that there are a lot of drivers other than truck drivers that are rude, and yes most of them are in Mercs. Lexus, infiity, etc. I do like BMWs though and have not seen too many bad drivers, but I also like Audis and I have seen too many bad drivers.

Blueruck, I think anyone including semi drivers would give you a wide berth, with that massive steel bumper. Personally I prefer my WAAG guard and from what I have seen, people seem to move out of my way quicker now than they did before I had it. So something like a guard or a plow or your bumper is one way to get through traffic.
But there will always be somone who does not want to get out of the way, and I say plow right through them! >:D

James. :cool:
james21 said:
Now under normal conditions if their is a vehicle blocking the road on your side then you should wait until there is no traffic on the opposite side. Well this Ram felt that I should wait for him and nearly made me drive into the woods!

Sad to say but this is what I'd expect to happen out here. What surprises me is to run across someone who is a polite, safe driver!
The really bad drivers live in the Bay Area. For some reason they all seem to think that it is OK to drive 40 mph in the fast lane.

Also turn signals are stricly an optional equipment here.

Oh and god forbid it should rain...... :mad:
flynhigh said:
The really bad drivers live in the Bay Area. ?For some reason they all seem to think that it is OK to drive 40 mph in the fast lane. ?

Also turn signals are stricly an optional equipment here. ?

Oh and god forbid it should rain...... ?:mad:

I think that is pretty much true every where. It is like that here in Colorado too. They don't like blinkers they think it is a waste of time.
Just remember it's not always the people who you think it'll be...

Note the flipped vehicle behind the squad car. This is one of over 600 wrecks where MPD equipment has been involved in past 2 years. The officer was cited for disregarding a red signal, not on the way to a call, he just ran the light. My point, Memphis drivers are about the worst I've seen and it even rolls over to our PD !
AtomTaz said:
I think that is pretty much true every where. ?It is like that here in Colorado too. ?They don't like blinkers they think it is a waste of time.

I am one of those people - if there is more than enough room and traffic is light - I never use my blinkers - if traffic is heavy and tight I will blink :)
Blueruck said:
I am one of those people - if there is more than enough room and traffic is light - I never use my blinkers - if traffic is heavy and tight I will blink :)
Isn't it just as easy to ALWAYS use them? That's the way I was tought to drive. I use mine even when no ones around, just habit.
I sometimes forget to use them on the highway, but that is a rare occasion. Usually I end up using them on tight turns, and have even found them on going around corners on back roads. Now This Is A habit!
It is not one habit that I like, but it helps to tell other drivers where I am heading. (y)
Blinkers are definitely a MUST for proper driving.

-James R. :cool:
as a former (and future) dodge owner i must take exception to your blanket statement. trust me there are just as many stupid chevy owners out there as dodge or ford. quite frankly your comment probably puts you into that stupid (or ignorant) classification. driving one brand of vehicle or another does not make you a better or worse person.
txyank1 said:
Isn't it just as easy to ALWAYS use them? That's the way I was tought to drive. I use mine even when no ones around, just habit.

I am one of those people who think it is a waste of energy to use them when I am changing lanes and the next car is a 100 yrds away.

Personally I get a chuckle out seeing people with their blinkers when they are stoped and waiting to turn in a turn only lane.

I don't have the best road manners with my blinkers - I have been to many countries where my driving habits would be considered GREAT :)
84john said:
as a former (and future) dodge owner i must take exception to your blanket statement. trust me there are just as many stupid chevy owners out there as dodge or ford. quite frankly your comment probably puts you into that stupid (or ignorant) classification. driving one brand of vehicle or another does not make you a better or worse person. ?

Stupid is one thing but arrogant and beligerant is another.

The fact that ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand is just further proof that DODGE trucks, the biggest piece of junk on the road, owners fit the stereotype. Who would choose a dodge for free, much less actually pay for one ?

My experience at driving 1500 to 2000 miles a week in So Cal has proven that dodge truck = RUDE/wreckless.

I can't count how many times I have seen a dodge truck racing down the shoulder of the freeway while everyone else is waiting in bumber to bumber. Also the countless times I have seen them 20 to 40 mph above the flow of traffic zipping between cars making multi lane changes in med to heavy traffic. :eek: I say to myself when I see another psycho in the distance in my rear view mirror, another dodge ? ? ? ? YEP, every time ! :mad:

Dodge trucks attract the arrogant/beligerant ! It is their MO.
james21 said:
I have begun to notice that the majority of Ford HD drivers and Ram drivers in MA have very poor tempers and very poor driving skills. They are the ones that always cut you off on the highway and/or force you to slow down so they can get by. I have never run into a Chevy owner that does that, no matter what they drive.

-James R.

I have a solution to share, at least it makes me feel good, keep packets of hot sauce, y'know taco bell etc, in easy access such as you drink holder. When some joker does such as above or other such as hi beam shenanigans then roll down your window and toss them out at the appropriate moment. They'll catch your meaning. I don't know if it stains the paint but maybe. If you are going fast enough you don't have to worry about blow back. So far I haven't had any.

Better yet, for those who casually risk your life, maybe substitute ball bearings or marbles ? Although I havn't done this one, YET ! :rolleyes:

:0: Hey, a windshield is a small price to pay to learn not to risk the lives of others for your own convenience.
Hey black NJ, it may be playing chicken, however I would rather lose, then end up in the hospital because some moron in a ram would rather hit me head on than go into the back of a SEMI!
So I was actually playing it safe.

Dean_Machine, I really like your attitude. (y)
you definitely know what I am talking about, and I have also seen drivers like that going 80mph or more on the shoulder, just so they can get a better spot in the long ass line of traffic. I just have to feel bad for the guy that actually has a problem with his car and ends up getting rearended by one of those arrogant SOBs!
I have not tried the hot sauce one yet, so thanx for the advice. I do however know that if you put pepperoni on a car in the blistering hit it will stick to it so that it peels the paint off when you take it off. >:D

-James R.
Dean_Machine said:
Stupid is one thing but arrogant and beligerant is another.

The fact that ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand is just further proof that DODGE trucks, the biggest piece of junk on the road, owners fit the stereotype. Who would choose a dodge for free, much less actually pay for one ?

My experience at driving 1500 to 2000 miles a week in So Cal has proven that dodge truck = RUDE/wreckless.

I can't count how many times I have seen a dodge truck racing down the shoulder of the freeway while everyone else is waiting in bumber to bumber. Also the countless times I have seen them 20 to 40 mph above the flow of traffic zipping between cars making multi lane changes in med to heavy traffic. ?:eek: I say to myself when I see another psycho in the distance in my rear view mirror, another dodge ? ? ? ? YEP, every time ! :mad:

Dodge trucks attract the arrogant/beligerant ! It is their MO. ?

This is the great thing about opinions - we can each have our own - some people have different opions that me and that is OK.

I have a buddy who has a Dodge and he doesn't fit into the above opionon :)
Blueruck, you are absolutely correct there.
84john is not going to earn anyones respect by being a charter member, especially when he insults our intelligence!

Dean_Machine said:
...I can't count how many times I have seen a dodge truck racing down the shoulder of the freeway while everyone else is waiting in bumber to bumber. Also the countless times I have seen them 20 to 40 mph above the flow of traffic zipping between cars making multi lane changes in med to heavy traffic. ?:eek: I say to myself when I see another psycho in the distance in my rear view mirror, another dodge ? ? ? ? YEP, every time ! :mad:?

That's a normal everyday occurrance here and it can be ANY kind of vehicle! :8:
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