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Did You Know That The 2007 Nationals Are In Region III?


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Sep 23, 2002
Emporia, Indiana
The 2007 Chevy Avalanche Nationals are being hosted in Region III and we need to start talking about it!

How many of the daily cruises at the Nationals are you going on?

What other daily events at the Nationals are you planning on attending?

Are you going to be at the Nationals all week or just for a portion?

Have you ever been in the Rapid City area before?

Are you camping or staying in a motel?

So much to talk about..............

So who from our Region is going? Who lives the closest, the farthest? The National Committee made Shanes 02 Avalanche the Route Coordinator. He will be planning all of the routes for the cruises at the event and has offered to help the best route for any members wanting to meet up and cruise out together!

Those members of Region III who want to meet with other members and cruise out as a group, please post here and we will start the planning! Shane, feel free to jump in with suggestions!

So, lets hear your plans....

subject clarification edit...by I CHNGE
It's time for Region III to rock the house! Great post Butch, let's get it rolling!

I started a REGION III FRAPPR MAP? For The Nationals in Region III. When you sign the map please use your club name and include the distance from your home (zip code only, no address needed) to Rapid City. The map should be useful for the Route Coordinator to help us plan places to meet up if members want to get a cruise to The Nationals going! We may also use this map to determine the locations for other Region III GTG's so please get on the map even if you cannot attend The Nationals this year!

Thanks, Butch