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Do You Remember Your First Time?


SM 2003
Full Member
Sep 1, 2002
Ya know....

you put your hand there and then there and yea there.

took her top off....
get in bed.

then you pull take that off and put that there.

and then after a little while you pull out that thing and then put them in.

what a feeling!

Not that!! Although...

Today was my first Full change!

I've done the seat down, a top off here and there.

but, today I was in Home depot, saw they knocked off $150 off the riding lawn mower i've been eyeing and bam....where's my credit card.

so, i go to work changing and everything went good. the only problem was getting the tops in the bag. I am very careful. can't scratch my baby.

I got 2 in fine but the 3rd was a pain so i just put it in the front seat.

what's the best way to put those in? I was on concrete and i think i should have done this in the bed. but i was in a hurry. I think i did ok.

So, how was your first real "have to" time?

How long after you had it did you actually do a full change for a need not for play?

And yes i got plenty of looks driving home.

thought I had a mini cooper back there!
My first real time(full change) I left the panels at home and didn't even bother with the bag. ?I had to haul drywall. ?To this date I don't think I have ever used the bag
are you talking about the first part above or the second part? (LOL)
Putting the covers in the bag isn't that bad. The first time I did it, it took a while. Each time after that, it got a little easier. It just takes a little practice, and as each panel goes in, you have to make sure that it slides into the right slot. If one of them is out of place, you might get two in the bag, but you'll never get all three to fit.

The real key is that they need to go in the bag in the opposite order than how they are removed. You first take off panel 3 (by the tailgate) then 2, and finally 1 (by the midgate.) When they go in the bag, panel 1 goes in first, with the latches to the outside. Then panel 2 goes in with the latches down and facing away from panel 1. Finally, panel 3 goes in with the latches up and facing panel 2.

Take your time, make sure everything lines up, and they will all fit.

-- SS
ShapeShifter said:
The real key is that they need to go in the bag in the opposite order than how they are removed. You first take off panel 3 (by the tailgate) then 2, and finally 1 (by the midgate.) When they go in the bag, panel 1 goes in first, with the latches to the outside. Then panel 2 goes in with the latches down and facing away from panel 1. Finally, panel 3 goes in with the latches up and facing panel 2.

Take your time, make sure everything lines up, and they will all fit.

-- SS

that's kinda stupid. I take 1 off put it in. take 2 off put it in....

I'll try your way next time.
thanks for the info.
FSUGUY said:
that's kinda stupid. I take 1 off put it in. take 2 off put it in....
Kinda stupid? I'll give you that, but that's what it says in the manual, and it does work.

If you think about it, and start with the bag in it's "normal" position strapped to the side, it does kind of make sense: Until you get all of the panels off, you can't get any panels in the bag since the other panels are still blocking the opening of the bag. :rolleyes:

-- SS
ShapeShifter said:
If you think about it, and start with the bag in it's "normal" position strapped to the side, it does kind of make sense: Until you get all of the panels off, you can't get any panels in the bag since the other panels are still blocking the opening of the bag. :rolleyes:

-- SS
Now you know that sounds like something out of a Monty Python sketch. :-*
Never have put them in the bag. Tried to once and got too pissed. Got really weird looks taking the treadmill in the other day, people just do not understand the AV.
Skidd said:
Now you know that sounds like something out of a Monty Python sketch. ?:-*

And now for something completely different, we have Mr. G. Hutchinson of Liverpool, who will change his Avalanche.......
.......and Mr. G. Hutchinson, president of the Well Basically Club always starts like this:

"Well Basically you take off Panel # 3.........."
ShapeShifter said:
Kinda stupid? I'll give you that, but that's what it says in the manual, and it does work.

-- SS

Manual? is that the book i keep by the map? i guess i better dust it off.

maybe it would be smart to read that thing.
FSUGUY said:
maybe it would be smart to read that thing.
Yep, there's good stuff in there.

You can also download both the 2002 and 2003 manuals as PDF files from the bottom of the CAFCNA Resources page.

-- SS
I've never even folded the midgate.. when I picked it up from the wharf it was folded down because of all the boxes in the back and in my last couple of visits to the engineer I'v only ever played with folding the seat... but I'm hanging out for it! May have to crack a coldie when it eventually happens. (y)
I got to haul plywood shortly after I got mine, but since then I've only hauled bricks and mortar and other masonry supplies. I will tell you, the hauling capacity is no problem, I had close if not more than 1500lbs in there a couple times. As for the bag, I thought it was not too bad to get the panels in, it just takes up too much room. I usually put all 3 in the back seat if I don't have to fold the mid-gate.
ShapeShifter said:
Yep, there's good stuff in there.

You can also download both the 2002 and 2003 manuals as PDF files from the bottom of the CAFCNA Resources page.

-- SS

Usually, I never to have to read it. I learn most of it here first. (y)
I didn't have mind a full week and I had to help move a Couch and a bed. Then a few days laster I needed to pick up 10' long trim. Etc.

I use mine all the time.

Fish said:
Out of the corner of my eye, I thought this said "Do you remember your first name" :cautious:

find fridge - get beer - reread later.
My first time to change over, including the top covers, was in front of an auction house in downtown Seattle. Even had a small crowd stop and watch the transformation. ;D