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Dune In OH Once Again Tomorrow (May16th - June something)

Dune Coon

SM 2008
Full Member
Sep 13, 2003
Ok Ohio... just a heads up. I'll be back in Columbus starting May 16th. I'm pretty much able to do dinner anytime.

No excuses this time. Lets get this party started, ight! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Sorry about that Dune, wish you could have made it to Detroit
No kidding, who would want to be in Colombus?  >:D  >:D  >:D

:kidding: we love our little kid brother down south
Dune we have what we call a hoedown this weekend. If you can make it up and have fun.
Stop by and see us on the way by...!!!!!!  We miss you 
Ok nice to see you made it back to columbus... Now how long you going to be here. Tomroow is busy as it is my wedding anniversary.  Friday I usually stop by my favorite cigar shop on the way home... Where abouts are you?
got in last night. I'm located on 23 N on the top side by the bypass. I'm pretty much available any time.
Zoojelly said:
Look for me about noon on Saturday heading south.
Are you going to be spending much time in Florida this year?

depends on how active this hurricane season is.

I have to apologize for dropping of the planet like that. I had a daughter taken to the hospital so that they could induce her baby. Well needless to say things did not go as planned and I had no free time at all... Perhaps one of these days I will be able to be a gracious host.
Dune said:
ho hum... still sitting in good ol Columbus.

Shoulda came back to Michigan Dune... your family here would have taken care of ya by how. Well, atleast Freebie would had you to Hooters 3 -4 times anyway  :laugh:
Shels Land said:
Shoulda came back to Michigan Dune... your family here would have taken care of ya by how. Well, atleast Freebie would had you to Hooters 3 -4 times anyway? ?:laugh:

shhh...... we don't talk about Hooters here..... shhhhhhh
Dune said:
shhh...... we don't talk about Hooters here..... shhhhhhh

I don't think they talk at all here...come back to Michigan!

(Still  :love: the Beast and GBT!!!)
Mr Dune you goin sneak up here anytime soon, I can feel another GTG coming on.
MichiganSilver03 said:
Mr Dune you goin sneak up here anytime soon, I can feel another GTG coming on.

After I leave here.. I'm heading home for a bit. Not sure where I'm going from there.

Would love to come back up there and see you guys.
Try checking here too...
