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Factory Air Box Mod



I put the Ultimate Performance Design intake on my 5.3l about a month ago. I like the sound, but was hoping for a little more. I decided to try a little custom work. I bought a 2nd airbox from Bigjohn and started to play. I wanted the cone filter sound, with out replacing my whole system again. Now, I can't say whether this is a bad thing to do or not, but that is why I didn't do it to the only box I had. What I did was cut sections out of the front of the air box. This was not rocket science, just a drill bit and hack saw. I have a K&N filter in which is only half as deep as a stock filter and gives you more area to cut if you want. I have noticed that I have much better sound under the hood now, and that was my main goal.

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This is what I cut off inside.

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Sorry the pics are so crumby, but I always forget to take pics before I put things back together.