Now kids...don't get any ideas. Kids who torture animals grow up to be serial killers.
Here is my non-Avalanche cat story. In my very first apartment my neighbor had an outdoor cat that took great job in finding mud and then sunning itself on the hood of my car. As weeks turned into months the cat got more defiant and it was becoming a challenge to get it off my hood when I needed to leave for college or work.
One really cold winter morning the showdown finally happened. I honked the horn, did the wipers, blasted the wiper fluid, revved the motor, nothing worked. The cat just sat there staring at me through the windshield.
I started out of the parking lot at low speed, I figured the cat would jump off. Nope. I went up to about 5 MPH and hit the brakes hard. The cat wobbled but remained defiant. 10 MPH - no go. OK you stupid cat, it's go time.
So I start down the street and I'm going the speed limit now. The cat is not liking this as the wind rushes over it and I slow to a stop. The cat REMAINED defiant.
OK, I hate to do this to the kitty but man, I've got to get to work. So I bring it up to about 25 MPH and with both feet stand on the brakes. Yup, that does it.
Of course kitty exacts its revenge as it comes off the hood. Sinks in the claws and there are nice scratches from the top of the hood down to the front clip.
The cat then ran off to the left and I got to work. However the cat learned it's lesson - although there were still muddy footprints - the cat would get off when I walked up.