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Flag Bowtie

I got mine on Monday, just in time to fly it on 9-11. It's a work of art.
mepierce said:
Looks great!
I plan on hand painting a Texas flag on mine soon.

This is the Texas Flag available from Joe W. on MissAvalanche's AV.

I don't understand. Three times I have requested the order information from Joe and got nothing. He must really be busy painting those flags.
dmacker said:
I don't understand. Three times I have requested the order information from Joe and got nothing. He must really be busy painting those flags.
Mac, I know he was on vacation a week or so ago...he got back with me very promptly and it came fairly quick...giv it a few days...try again...I know you want this on there beforethe OCT GTG
WVBubba said:
Mac, I know he was on vacation a week or so ago...he got back with me very promptly and it came fairly quick...giv it a few days...try again...I know you want this on there beforethe OCT GTG
That's right. ?He took a vacation last month and is back already.

Be sure and email him at jwco@comcast.net.
WV Bubba,
You are right about me wanting it before the big trip. I got your msg about the paint on the mud dogs. Thanks.I hope Mrs. Bubba got my msg about the trip.
I plan on washing the AV tomorrow and starting the Zaino. What do you think about the clay. My car show friends tell me it is just a waste of time. What do you think? Have you done anything with your audio?
Ambalanche said:
Hey Gabe! Wash that powerbar man! Sheesh! an '03 and it's dirty!! LOL Just messing with you man >:D ?:B:
I am planning on washing this week. I got pounded with work this last week and had no time.

dmacker said:
WV Bubba,
You are right about me wanting it before the big trip. I got your msg about the paint on the mud dogs. Thanks.I hope Mrs. Bubba got my msg about the trip.
I plan on washing the AV tomorrow and starting the Zaino. What do you think about the clay. My car show friends tell me it is just a waste of time. What do you think? Have you done anything with your audio?
Mac: I have to pass the buck on this one...only found out about Zaino a couple months ago when joined the CLUB...mine has carnuba on it but Am going to get some Z and 303 since mine is about 15 months old I think the clay would be good to take out some of the oxidation/rough spots...not too many to begin with for a vehicle that has never been garaged...but my big thing is TIME...worked without a partner at work for last 2 years so working 130-150hrs/2week.....But NOW I just got my partner and taking a little more time off so this fall/winter will be Zaino time ;D