It was 70 degrees today and I decided I needed to get busy on the Avalanche, you know get it ready for MCM and the other GTG''s we will be attending this summer. Yesterday I put the new rotors and brake pads on with the help of a friend. Today I painted the calipers with Purple Metalcast paint.........did not come out as good as I hoped. I had painted the calipers silver in the past and they were not in bad condition so I thought I would just paint the metalcast over that. Of course I wiped it down with thinner first to clean it up but when I sprayed the metalcast it fish eyed........I am letting it dry and my try another coat to see what happens.
OK now on the the GatorBack story. My 4 fenders had a little GatorBack coming off so after I was done with the?calipers I cleaned them and masked them off. I stirred the GatorBack and poured a little out into a small plastic paint container. I buy these containers at Lowes, they are kind of thin plastic kind of like a "liner". There is a side holder for the brush and they are handy when doing little paint jobs.
So around the Avalanche I go doing all 4 fenders. I just got done with the last one when I felt something wet on my left leg, I thought I had dripped some GatorBack on my leg but moved back to the table to put the remaining back into the can.........When I stood up my belly was wet, my leg was wet and a few other things were wet!! The GatorBack had ate a hole in that thin plastic! I tried to clean up as well as I could out in the garage and then called my wife out to help.
Then I headed in , took off my clothes just inside the door and hit the tub. After a long scrub in the tub there was still some black, we sat out on the porch and used nail polish remover and got most of it off............there are some placed I won't use the nail polish remover so it will just have to wear off! The problem is at my age that will take a LONG WHILE.

OK now on the the GatorBack story. My 4 fenders had a little GatorBack coming off so after I was done with the?calipers I cleaned them and masked them off. I stirred the GatorBack and poured a little out into a small plastic paint container. I buy these containers at Lowes, they are kind of thin plastic kind of like a "liner". There is a side holder for the brush and they are handy when doing little paint jobs.
So around the Avalanche I go doing all 4 fenders. I just got done with the last one when I felt something wet on my left leg, I thought I had dripped some GatorBack on my leg but moved back to the table to put the remaining back into the can.........When I stood up my belly was wet, my leg was wet and a few other things were wet!! The GatorBack had ate a hole in that thin plastic! I tried to clean up as well as I could out in the garage and then called my wife out to help.
Then I headed in , took off my clothes just inside the door and hit the tub. After a long scrub in the tub there was still some black, we sat out on the porch and used nail polish remover and got most of it off............there are some placed I won't use the nail polish remover so it will just have to wear off! The problem is at my age that will take a LONG WHILE.

