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Gen3 Lockpick Installed


Full Member
Nov 16, 2006
Colorado Springs, CO
I received my Gen3 Lockpick today and installed it in about 30 minutes, not counting the time it took to read the instructions first!? The demo video of the install that is on Coastal-e-Tech's website was also helpful.? I don't know about the negative comments about their customer service because if you do a little homework and follow instructions, you won't need it.

I have an '07 with a build date of 09/06 so I set the dip switches to #1 down and the rest up.? This directs the DVD video to the front screen automatically (if DVD is selected on the head unit).? No special buttons to push.? However, to activate Navigation address entry or XM scrolling, I have to push the window lock button 4 times.? There is a timeout on the address/scroll unlock so the window lock button sequence has to be repeated to use it again.? A minor inconvenience.? The factory installed rear camera engages fine when I shift into reverse.

So far, I am happy with the timeliness of delivery and the operation of the lockpick.? I didn't think to take pics while I was installing but if you view the video on the web site, you don't need them.? Not being able to enter addresses into the GPS or scroll XM stations was a MAJOR pain for me.? I was happy to pay the price for the solution.? As far as watching the DVD while driving, its nice to be able to decide for myself whether I should do that or not.? I promised my wife I wouldn't. :love:? We'll see.? >:D

One more note.? Since I didn't need the extra video input that is included with the harness I put a piece of electrical tape around it.? I'm no electrician but I didn't want to chance the connector grounding out and causing a problem.? Probably just excessive caution.
Love mine as well, install time about the same.  I think I spent more time deciding if I should wedge the control unit between the radio and casing ot to leave it stand.
I opted for the wedge technique, no noises or rattles.  I also brought the 4 left over wires/cables to the front so they sit just behind the climate control unit.  I can add or even change my dip switches without having to touch the radio.
Life is good, I-POD unit next.