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Go BIG or go home...


SM 2006
Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
from the looks of it, if you're not going to the extreme with your mods, you ain't doing it right this year for MCM.  Anyone else have something to unveil?

Tango's wrap
Dune's sunroof (plus other stuff)
EQ's lift
trAV's shine
avDavidw's glow

plus I hear there's a member in FL that has new A/V goodies to show off.
WarWagon said:
Why ruin the surprise of unveiling at MCM?? >:D
2 or 3 of those listed were wanting to wait til the GTG to show the goodies. ?Just wondering if anyone else has anything new.
grnxnam said:
2 or 3 of those listed were wanting to wait til the GTG to show the goodies. ?Just wondering if anyone else has anything new.

Yep, I hope to!
At least it's in the works now.

I have huge doubts that mine will be anywhere finished for MCM. ?I'll be luck to have it all together for the GTG.
I would like to have more then just the drivers seat put back in time to drive to MCM  >:D
Tango Chaser said:
I would like to have more then just the drivers seat put back in time to drive to MCM? >:D
I'll have a driver seat and possible a passenger seat.....if all goes well.
I unveiled my newest exhaust mod today at Hooters.  It's not a big mod but it's a loud one.  I now have a custom Y-pipe dual 2.5" into a single 3" with a 3"QTP electric cut-out.  At the flip of a switch on the dash I can go from semi quiet to open headers. >:D

Tango Chaser said:
I would like to have more then just the drivers seat put back in time to drive to MCM? >:D
grnxnam said:
I'll have a driver seat and possible a passenger seat.....if all goes well.

So, I guess we're running a close race for the "Most Dis-assembled" Avalanche award!
Tango Chaser said:
So, I guess we're running a close race for the "Most Dis-assembled" Avalanche award!
you win.  my sail panels are installed.  Plus, even with my interior missing, I'll have my in dash monitor installed :love:
next question:

do you have a super secret mod that you're waiting to show at MCM?
grnxnam said:
next question:

do you have a super secret mod that you're waiting to show at MCM?

I did but I unveiled it at the Clarksville TN Hooters GTG, at least to the people that were there.  :cool:

well, after a few phone calls, pm's and emails, it sounds like there's gonna be some impressive trucks at MCM.  Couldn't get any of my sources to give up the goods, but I can't wait to see.
grnxnam said:
well, after a few phone calls, pm's and emails, it sounds like there's gonna be some impressive trucks at MCM.? Couldn't get any of my sources to give up the goods, but I can't wait to see.

How 'bout you B? ?You gonna' have any new mods besides the video screen mod you've been working on?