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Golf anyone

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Oct 17, 2005
Lexington KY
I work to play golf
hummm hadnt played in a few years..  But I did get an eagle on a par 3 179 yard hole once...  >:D >:D

PS maybe we can let the kido drive the cart this time..
What's mini golf :laugh:

Can't go to Georgia without playing golf.

Kiddo can drive the beer cart behind us  >:D
Hugz said:
hummm hadnt played in a few years.. But I did get an eagle on a par 3 179 yard hole once... >:D >:D

That's called a hole in one
On second thought maybe    ..........
I played for 25 years my closes is 6 inches, hardest putt I ever had :laugh:
MichiganSilver03 said:
I played for 25 years my closes is 6 inches, hardest putt I even had :laugh:
I bet... Played every week year around for about 5 years..  Then I got my AV..  Have played 3 times in the last 3 years...
Intimidatoruag said:
this GTG is not in Carolina .... it is in Georgia ....

Damn guess I'm not playing Golf then, really I had go idea where it was. I'm flying in so where ever the plane lands was OK with me.

Let me go get the map and find it.

Thanks Intimidatoruag
I know, how far is Hilton Head
MichiganSilver03 said:
I know, how far is Hilton Head
Close enough maybe 60 miles, but I wont play there..  Too $$ for me..  Considering my game..
MichiganSilver03 said:
Any suggestions
  HH is great super courses, they also have some cheaper ones not a re very nice as well, but unless I stop modding the AV and start hitting the links a lot I would have to buy a gross of balls to play there..  Would be like an easter egg hunt for the balls..
I will look around some, I know there are a few courses much closer to Savannah.. 
I do like playing courses on the ocean the winds will kill you , it's has to be a challenge.
Public courses are fine with me, it's  not about the bucks it's the challenge.
MichiganSilver03 said:
I do like playing courses on the ocean the winds will kill you , it's has to be a challenge.
Public courses are fine with me, it's? not about the bucks it's the challenge.
I used to keep score by how many balls I lost and found..  Might have to go back to that again  LOL
Hugz said:
I used to keep score by how many balls I lost and found..  Might have to go back to that again  LOL

The most I've ever lost is 2.  MY wife found them and keeps them in a jar on the mantle above the fireplace...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....  GOLF balls.....  Sorry, my bad....  >:D
If anyone is still interested, I know of many close by courses we can get on.

We have many in the Savannah area, plus there are dozens in the Hilton Head and nearby South Carolina courses.

I use to hold an 8 handicap in Phoenix AZ..but now I am a solid 12. I play for FUN, get below 10 and it gets to be like work.

I'm up for it.
Byron your new nickname is Tiger Woods..you love to golf  :love: