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Got me a CubbyCam! *UPDATE*


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Jan 9, 2004
Well, got it in the mail last week.? Although I have NO electrical experience, the instructions look pretty straight forward.? Was going to attempt to install today.? But the weather is not cooperating.? 80% chance of rain today and tomorrow.? My first two days off in a while and can't do what I want.? My AV spends it's life on the outside, no room in the garage. :E:
:woohoo: great mod to have. (y)

(will keep ya from running over Jetta's)  :laugh:
paul_376 said:
let me know how it goes Brian,
I been wanting this mod for a while now

TEXASCWGIRL has one and loves hers!

Price is a little steep, but I use to collect diecast cars.  I have since given that up and been selling stuff on ebay.  I been getting paid through paypal.  I figured, hey, Mod money for my AV!
paul_376 said:
im just scared of the instalation
im not good at that kind of stuff

You don't think I am?  $600 down the tubes if I screw it up!
BrianLee01 said:
You don't think I am?? $600 down the tubes if I screw it up!

Not to scare you any more... but be careful if you are mounting the camera in the space above the hitch, DON'T FORCE IT! If it feels like it isn't gong to fit, don't play caveman and try and fit the square peg in the round hole. I forced mine in and crimped the cable; it worked for a few months, then stopped coming on. When I pulled it out, I found that I had severed 2 wires... so now my camera is toast.  :E:

Take your time, follow the instructions, and you'll be fine. It is a very high quality system you'll be very happy with!
Congrats Brian, those back up cams are a worthwhile investment. Show us some pics when you get to installing it.
AVcop778 said:
Congrats Brian, those back up cams are a worthwhile investment. Show us some pics when you get to installing it.
Will do.  I was thinking of doing the outside stuff today, and then the rest later.  But I think it would be best to wait for a rain free day and attempt to get it done all at once.  It has to be on a Sunday.  I have had offers from fellow members with help installing it.  I appreciate the gesture.  I want to try to do it myself.  My brother is electrically inclined and has helped me in the past, with stuff like this, but we are not too fond of each other because of a car I once had (Paul round two of the Dr. Phil episode. ).  We are getting better though.  I want to do it myself and have him look over it to see if the connections are safe and done right.  But I will probably chicken out and wait for a mod party and get it done along with other things.  I would like strobes on my AV.  The Texas crew were in a parade in Luling, for a festival.  Would like to do something like that in my area at the county fair in October, and have the strobes going through the parade if I decide to get something like that together.
Hi Brian,

I have installed a few of these cam systems for Ed. I can tell you from experience that the worst part of the install is just running the wires. As for the connections there are only three or four to do. I'm sure you'll do just fine, follow the instructions they are very well laid out and easy to follow. Should take a couple of hours if you are not electrically inclined. I had it down to about an hour after doing a couple. Just think to yourself when I get done I can kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor every time you get in. (y)

I did just want to clarify that I used my own mount for my camera and it didn't fit quite right, which resulted in the wires getting pinched. Follow Ed's directions and you'll be just fine.

Just didn't want anyone thinking it was a problem with the directions or Ed's stuff... he and the stuff he sells are top-notch!!
I installed the camera today! :woohoo:

BUT, that is all I installed was the camera.? Who am I kidding?? I can't do electrical stuff.? I started to run the wires, and found out right away, since I never did electrical stuff, better stop after I installed the camera in the hitch.? I guess I am going to make a MOD GTG in order to get this installed properly.? Because I also have the sail panel lights and I want to buy strobes and get all that installed to.?

:help:? ? ?Why was I born without the side of the brain to do the mechanical and electical stuff? :needhug:

Hey man don't beat yourself up about it. All it takes is some practice. Start with the small stuff. The Cubby cam is not all that difficult to install but if your not comfortable with electricals it can be intimidating especially for what you pay for it.

I can't tell you how many things I have messed up over the years, waiting for the enevitable words "I can't believe you did that" from my wife. :beating:

Go to a GTG, get some help with it and watch how it is installed. Over time doing mods you will learn the how to's, remember Rome wasn't built in a day. (y)
for those of you that have the working cubby cam, how it the picture quality on the monitor?  can you see people in the cars behind you clearly?
Excellent words of advice from Wind4Power. Don't kick yourself, Brian, remember this is supposed to be FUN! I'm not that electronically inclined myself, but I've learned to do a few small things over the past year. Like he said, watch someone or better yet, get them to assist you while you do it, and you will gain some confidence that way.
AVcop778 said:
Excellent words of advice from Wind4Power. Don't kick yourself, Brian, remember this is supposed to be FUN! I'm not that electronically inclined myself, but I've learned to do a few small things over the past year. Like he said, watch someone or better yet, get them to assist you while you do it, and you will gain some confidence that way.

My dad (God rest his soul), taught my brother all this stuff.  When it came down for my brother to teach me, I would try to do it, and if I would screw it up, he would get mad, walk off, or say "get out of the way I'll do it."  So I never learned.  Then if I would try to do something, I would get from my mom, "you can't do it," or "you don't know what you are doing,"  or "are you sure you know what you are doing?", "you will mess it up," or my favorite, "let your brother do it, he knows what he is doing."  So, with no guidance or teaching from my brother, and no confidence from my mother, I never learned how to do the basic electrical knowledge I need to do stuff like this.
Man, if I was anywhere near you I'd help YOU install it. But like others said, it isn't that bad and was designed for an owner install.

Please keep us posted.

Will take it to Pearland in the next couple of weeks.