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Great< Now My Horn Doesnt Work!


Full Member
Nov 16, 2002
New Britain, CT
Hey, whats up guys, last week i blew a fuse for my horn, i.e. my horn didnt work. I thought it may be some dumb luck, but last night it blew again :7: almost getting me into an accident :6:. I replaced the fuse and tried the horn again. POP :8: Now i have to bring it in to the dealer, and i know they will give me hell, just like they always to. They'll probably blame it on my radar detector being hardwired or my Nav. Just like last time for my "pulsating" light problem, they just said it was my aftermarket electronics. What B.S. :8: Well, wish me luck for tomorrow.
No, nothing at all has been tied to that line. Plus i didnt cut anywires at all, just to avoid warranty troubles. Right now, the dealership is giving me the runaround about getting an appointment. I told them they need to get it in the shop asap because of my 2 near miss accidents and the safty hazard of no horn, I told them i need a loaner car so i can go to and from work. This was at 7am, its already 10:30am and still no call back. :8: Normally it takes 30 seconds to set up an appointment, now there giving me the runaround because i called corporate on them for other issues. I think i might try a new dealership, this is getting rediculous.
Sound like your dealer is a real jerk. It's a shame that with the price of these trucks you get jerked around like that. A dealer loves it when they see you did anything to a car or truck. They look at it like they can blame everything on the mod even when they have nothing to do with one another. My dealers service dept. burned up months ago and getting there is a real pain now.
My dealer finally called me and arranged for a rental car which is pretty cool :D . The only thing that sucks is the fact they said upfront I would be liable for the rental car and fix of the problem if my radio, nav. or radar detector is the cause. They think that with all my mods, I did something to the horn :8: The only mods that could mess up a horn are alarm/remote start, which i dont have. Thats from what i've seen as a licenced mecp installer. I think they just dont like me there.