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Guess where we're moving...

Tahoe Fox

Full Member
Jul 29, 2004

today i've just let my gm know i'm leaving... that was NOT a fun conversation... i honestly was worried he'd be so heartbroken/mad he'd tell me to grab my stuff now... but not at all...

he said "you've been real good to us the years you've been here and although i'll miss you, i understand your decision... i've lived in the south before and you'll absolutely love it." he further said he'd get w/ our gm district manager and have that guy talk to the district manager over there and see if he can find me something w/ a GM lot, poss even w/ whomever takes over bill heards spot... that makes me feel so much better... i'm scared/excited/nervous/etc. but enjoying every minute of this whirlwind part of my life... can't wait to see all of you again come july :D

REALLY??  :woohoo: Holly's gonna be a East Coaster (sorta)
:love: :love: :love:
Congrats on the decision-  And good luck with finding a job!

One thing going for you is that housing should be a LOT cheaper here.
Region II says:



Congrats Fox & Wolf!!! (Ya know this means you HAVE to goto STI now...its practically in your back yard)

Best of luck with everything and keep us posted.
best of luck on your decision Fox and Wolf, I'm sure you won't regret it!

:woot :woot: :woohoo: :woot :woot:


Great that you're going to be so close!!

Best of Luck!!
Congrad Wolf and Fox nashville is a very friendly town, Good for you guy's

Once you get settled you'll have to come and see the real Mickey Mouse and hit some of the Florida GTG's! ?>:D
:woohoo: ? :welcome:

as great as this is, it hurts to see it in print before I got the official notification phone call.

and dont blame it on me calling ?Steve. ?you posted before I called him.

:eek: :eek: :eek: to  >:D >:D >:D to  :love: :love: :love:
All I can say is WOW, did us southern boyz and girlz leave that big of an impression on yall? This is fantastic, cant wait till yall get here! Best of luck with the moving experience. Really looking forward to seeing yall again soon!!!!
Welcome to the neighborhood, I am only 325 miles to the north. You are expected to a few GTG's up our way, after you get settled of course!
That is awesome Holly!  So you did decide to take that job at "Coyote Ugly"?  I'll be you best customer!!!  :love:

Welcome to the South AV Fox and AV Wolf !!!
    Holy crap! She was serious! SWEET!!! You better find a job that makes a lot of money t support your hubby's mod addiction! With me only 1 state over it's just a matter of time before we clean out your bank acount on mods! Don't forget about discounts for friends and such Gotta have that!
I can't wait for us to be a huge part of region II and all those in the surrounding areas....  as for the bank account and mods... i think the MOVING expenses will do that all on it's own :E:, lol

As for me and my new career @ coyote ugly... ya, i'll be the official chick doing the body shots >:D

butch... i would be honored to be invited to events up your way.  i have NO PROBLEM driving a few hours to see you guys :love:

avcop... actually, i'm only coming that way in case i need your help getting outta speeding tickets when i get another vette >:D  ;)

byron... i woulda called you but since you've DUMPED me for wolf... :E:  (j/k :love:)

we can't wait to see all of you again.  you guys made an AMAZING impact on us.... tyvm for your luv & hospitality that is so lacking w/ alot of the west coast folks... we're just done w/ the overinflated market and the oversized ego's... it'll be nice to raise our brats in a nice wholesome environment w/ genuine folks :love:
Avalanche Fox said:
byron... i woulda called you but since you've DUMPED me for wolf... :E:
    Now you see I am a perfect replacement for grnxam! I appeal to both of you. I've always been close to you. Either across the hall, or 1 state over. I'd make a great third in your reationship... How do you feel about Dogs???
I can already see a huuuuuge WELCOME HOME!! G2G in the making for yall when you get moved...just when I thought this summer couldn't get any better  :love:
Make sure to tell your new boss that you have to have time off for STI as it would be good PR for the dealership. :B: :woohoo: Now maybe I'll get to meet you since I couldn't make it to MCM.

Steve & Holly,
Congrats on the decision to make the move. I know it's a huge decision and a major undertaking. I hope you are able to get settled in quickly and are able to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow we are all looking for.

Only the best of wishes,
SUWEEET!!!!! whew.... I can finally talk about it now, eh? hehehe Im so glad you're coming East.... and now I know we will for sure meet sometime this year :woot:  I got dibs on the first body shot at C.U. :eek: