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Headlamp Bulb Replacement Tips???


Charter Member
Full Member
Feb 10, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
OK all you folks who have upgraded lamps - listen up ! ;)

Going to upgrade my low beam bulbs to 9006 SilverStars this week....has anyone posted any "how-tos" on getting access to the bulbs? Or is it just self-explanatory once I get in there? I have not even looked yet.....

Thanks in advance for the "avalanche" of replies I expect to receive on this topic. >:D
First check the owners book. There are two L shaped pins on each side behind the headlight unit. By removing the pins the entire headlight assembly will come out. Then you have easy access to the bulbs. DO NOT touch the bulbs with your fingers the oils from your skin can damage the bulbs. Reverse procedure to re install the assembly. You man need a flashlight to see the pins behind the assembly.

Not doing the hi's?
Anyway, the owners manual gives a good description on how to get them out. Of course I didn't read the manual till after I mistakenly adjusted the headlight aim :p
I love the SilverStar's, till my hid conversion of course :D
As previously mentioned, it is VERY easy to replace the bulbs. It took less than 10 minutes to change all four bulbs to SilverStars. The hardest part is getting the marker light/turn signal housing off as the manual doesn't do as good a job identifying the part as it should.

I agree, it was easy. I did it with my business suit on in less than 10 minutes. Bing, bong, bang. . .done.

Just be sure to remember where the clips, hooks, and pins came off from.
The only other thing I could remember that wasn't pointed out already...was to loosen the bulb base....it took a little loosening to get the Piaa in.... :B:
I printed this thread and had it handy when I put in my SilverStars this weekend - 15 min start to finish. Now the misalignment is much more noticeable (drivers' side is way too high) so it's back to the dealer for some warranty adjustments.
LazKat, aligning them is really easy. If you look at the headlight box as a unit, you'll see a vertical stud that is a T-15 torx nut. You can turn this in either direction to raise or lower you beams. It has many detents so as you turn it, it will click into the next setting in either direction.

Mine were way off as well, passenger side low. I just pulled up to a very level spot next to my son's junior high when I picked him up from basketball practice. I just centered both beams across the same pattern on the wall. Measured the beam height at the truck and at the wall at 20'.

I'm sure the dealer will have a template for alignment, but it is easy to do yourself as well.

:D Did my Silver star mod in 15 minutes-
Was so happy, I am going to do the 9005 as soon as I free up another 50 bucks.

Great site with the wealth of info-

Thanks all... :cool:
I agree it was an easy switch to put the Silverstar 9006's in. Will also be adding in the 9005's, but was a little concerned since the oem bulb are 9011's.

I emailed Sylvania and the responded that since they don't make 9011 at all they won't be making it in a Silverstar.

But the improvement from the stock 9006 to the Silverstar 9006 makes me think it will still be a worthwhile mod.