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Helen GTG Lunch!


Full Member
Feb 22, 2006
Cleveland, GA
Ok, I figured it was easier for everyone to check out what we could do for lunch this way.? We are planning on doing a little cookout, so bring some favorites!? Also a good idea to bring what you like to drink.? Saddlebags make great coolers!

Let me know how you can help out!

Burgers -- Taken care of!
Hot Dogs and H2O? -- Moddess
Watermelon and Veggie Tray -- Avalgal
Buns and fixins -- AVCop778
Tableware & Brownies -- Jersey Boy
Chips & Baked Beans -- jagone
How bout buns, and fixins (mustard, ketchup, etc.) I can make a grocery run when I get there if necessary if I know what all we need.
If there's a Kroger, Ingles or the like... I'll grab a veggie tray w/dip for the picnic, too.
AVcop778 said:
How bout buns, and fixins (mustard, ketchup, etc.) I can make a grocery run when I get there if necessary if I know what all we need.

Yep, that would be GREAT!!

avalgal said:
If there's a Kroger, Ingles or the like... I'll grab a veggie tray w/dip for the picnic, too.

Ingles in Cleveland, about 7 miles away.

Hugz said:
ooo man.... :E:

I think I'll stop by Ralph's for an ECLAIR after we eat lunch! :laugh:
I'll bring a 5 gallon filled with ice water and cups for everyone to enjoy. When it's hot their is never enough water.

Yep...I'm riding this week out....another training class tomorrow, my extra job Thurs. then it's time to pack, and it's out the door Friday AM!  :woot:
Training, huh?? Coast away!?

I'm trying to figure out how to get everything I need to do done and get to Helen before 4.? Part of me wants to try to make something home made for the picnic.? The sensible side says, "store bought is not only easier, but probably better than my own cooking"?

2 more days and I'm FREE AT LAST!
Hey Everyone,
Where and what time is lunch? Are we tubing before or after lunch? And what can we bring to help out? Dessert or paper plates, napkins, forks etc. Let me know and I will be happy to pick it up.
Hi Bill, we'll have lunch at the city pavillion on the river in Helen around noon.  Tubing will probably be done just before lunch, the way the heat has been it shoudn't be a problem.  Whatever you'd like to bring is fine with me!  Just let me know, I'll add it to the list!
I will bring the china. Paper plates, napkins , knives, forks, spoons. I will also grab some brownies for the kids...
Any idea if cold beer is permitted at the pavillion. That is my favorite drink after tubing. Or work. Or just sitting around. You get the idea...
Jersey Boy said:
I will bring the china. Paper plates, napkins , knives, forks, spoons. I will also grab some brownies for the kids...
Any idea if cold beer is permitted at the pavillion. That is my favorite drink after tubing. Or work. Or just sitting around. You get the idea...

I'll have some of that as well, Bill. Wouldn't be a day off for me without a cold one or 2.
I got 2 packages of hamburger buns and 2 packages of hot dog buns. That's 24 of each. If that's not enough, I'll just make a run and get some more.
US 2.....  I checked out the webcam  didnt see anyone yet..