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Hello Nashville Area


SM 2007
Full Member
Feb 2, 2006
South Georgia
Well,ive done it again.i have to take a 34 hr restart in the Nashville/Franklin area till tomarrow night.if theres any members in the area,im at the TA truckstop in Franklin, x61 off of I-65.Come by and chat...ive got nothing else better to do.
i know how that is.just want to see/chat with some members.stuck at a truck stop for 34hr is really the only time i have to meet new members across the country...other than STI.

It seems every time i go home for a good amount of time,theres a gtg either just before i get home.Or just after i have to leave the house. makes me wanna :E: :E:

But thats ok though,Cleveland is not that far from my Companys terminal.Its down i Tunnel Hill,Ga.maybe next time i have to get a reset,or the tractor goes into the shop,we can meet up.
kavesman1 said:
i know how that is.just want to see/chat with some members.stuck at a truck stop for 34hr is really the only time i have to meet new members across the country...other than STI.

It seems every time i go home for a good amount of time,theres a gtg either just before i get home.Or just after i have to leave the house. makes me wanna :E: :E:

But thats ok though,Cleveland is not that far from my Companys terminal.Its down i Tunnel Hill,Ga.maybe next time i have to get a reset,or the tractor goes into the shop,we can meet up.

I will be flying back into town tomorrow evening and will be passing right by you around 6:30 p.m.  Will you still be there then?
kavesman1 said:
i know how that is.just want to see/chat with some members.stuck at a truck stop for 34hr is really the only time i have to meet new members across the country...other than STI.

It seems every time i go home for a good amount of time,theres a gtg either just before i get home.Or just after i have to leave the house. makes me wanna :E: :E:

But thats ok though,Cleveland is not that far from my Companys terminal.Its down i Tunnel Hill,Ga.maybe next time i have to get a reset,or the tractor goes into the shop,we can meet up.
sounds like a plan...
trAVelingman said:
I will be flying back into town tomorrow evening and will be passing right by you around 6:30 p.m.  Will you still be there then?

My reset wont be up till 8pm tomarrow.and still,the company might not get me a load till the next day for pickup.But,yes, ill still be here till at least 8pm tomarrow.
kavesman1 said:
My reset wont be up till 8pm tomarrow.and still,the company might not get me a load till the next day for pickup.But,yes, ill still be here till at least 8pm tomarrow.

I will stop by and see ya' then.  Keep an eye out for a Cladded Bermuda Blue with ambers. 