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Help with Cylinder Numbers


Full Member
Jan 11, 2004
Gainesville, VA
I have a misfire issue.? Scanner says there are equal number of misfires for both #2 and #7.? Can anyone tell me which numbered cylinders are where?? The dealer disagrees with my Haynes manual.? Dealer says:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Back
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2? ? ? ?1
passenger? ?4? ? ? ?3? ?driver
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6? ? ? ?5
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8? ? ? ?7
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Front
should be...
8? ? ?7
6? ? ?5
4? ? ?3
2? ? ?1
as found here

Would really screw you up if it was
? ? ? back
9? ? ?8? ? 7? ? 6
? ? 5? ? 4? ? ?3
? ? ? ?2? ? 1
? ? ? ? ? 0
? ? ? ?front

Dune said:
Would really screw you up if it was
9    8    7    6
    5    4    3
      2    1

that's the prototype for the new ford strike engine  :laugh:
Time for a new dealer.

Odd on driver's side, 1 at the front.  Even on passenger, 2 at the front.

If they think they're the other direction, they need to be working on Fords :)
Thanks, guys.? That's what I thought.? Haynes manual agrees with you also.? The dealer tech was just doing me a quick freebie by connecting his scanner to the truck to tell me which cylinders were misfiring. He did this for free, so I'm not complaining.? I think he was just rattling off the locations off the top of his head.? When I looked at the scanner, it said #2 and #7 were misfiring.? The screen said 12 misfires each for #2 and #7 and 0 misfires for all the rest.? ?Each time he sampled it, it consistently had large numbers for #2 and #7 (and always equal numbers; wierd).? I can hear the clicking of arcing somewhere on each misfire, but I can't localize it.? I can't see any flashes at night.

Here's my problem:
Dealer replaces left head.
A few days later, truck misfires.
Dealer diagnoses and replaces #2 spark plug.? Problem goes away.
2 weeks later truck misfires.
I replace all spark plugs.? Problem goes away.
1 week later truck misfires.
I pull off all spark plug boots and put dialectric grease on, and reattach.? Problem goes away.
1 week later truck misfires, scanner says #2 and #7 (today).
I pull #2 and #7 wires and reattach them.? Problem gone (today).

The only common theme I can see here is that whenever I unplug and replug the wires, the problem goes away for a while.? The wires all look fine, and the truck only has 46000 miles.? I'm sure I am putting them on securely.? ?:E:

Has anyone ever heard of loose wires?
Trey said:
Thanks, guys.? That's what I thought.? Haynes manual agrees with you also.? The dealer tech was just doing me a quick freebie by connecting his scanner to the truck to tell me which cylinders were misfiring. He did this for free, so I'm not complaining.? I think he was just rattling off the locations off the top of his head.? When I looked at the scanner, it said #2 and #7 were misfiring.? The screen said 12 misfires each for #2 and #7 and 0 misfires for all the rest.? ?Each time he sampled it, it consistently had large numbers for #2 and #7 (and always equal numbers; wierd).? I can hear the clicking of arcing somewhere on each misfire, but I can't localize it.? I can't see any flashes at night.

Here's my problem:
Dealer replaces left head.
A few days later, truck misfires.
Dealer diagnoses and replaces #2 spark plug.? Problem goes away.
2 weeks later truck misfires.
I replace all spark plugs.? Problem goes away.
1 week later truck misfires.
I pull off all spark plug boots and put dialectric grease on, and reattach.? Problem goes away.
1 week later truck misfires, scanner says #2 and #7 (today).
I pull #2 and #7 wires and reattach them.? Problem gone (today).

The only common theme I can see here is that whenever I unplug and replug the wires, the problem goes away for a while.? The wires all look fine, and the truck only has 46000 miles.? I'm sure I am putting them on securely.? ?:E:

Has anyone ever heard of loose wires?

It is possible. Another possibility is that depending on how long it was missfiring that you may have a bad Cat. I know I was having missfire issues when I had a bad Cat. The Cats can go bad when raw fuel is dumped on them from a missfiring engine. I know there seems to be a lot of people with 2002-03 AVs that have had this issue. I'm not sure about 2004.