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>>>>>>>Holy sssMOkin post's<<<<<<<


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Jacksonville, FL
Joined: 01/23/04
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And of cours in typical "mo" style the #6000 included the word

sssMOkinAV said:
well if there's any reason to bail on us... BOOBS couldnt have been a better one :p i guess we'll forgive ya this time :love:
that was totally unintentional i swear...i didnt even realize it until i saw this thread... haha too funny!
thanks for the kudos... here's to many, many more shameless posts & pics :cheers:
nice work!...congratulations!...we hope to see more boobs in the next 6000 post :p
Tango Chaser said:
And of course in typical "mo" style that included the word BOOBS

You should have seen the way she was checking out the NOS energy drink models walking in the parking lot during the rain delay  (y)
Schudini said:
You should have seen the way she was checking out the NOS energy drink models walking in the parking lot during the rain delay (y)

yeppers, i sure was and funniest thing is the dark haired girl i spotted from all the way across the parking lot long before she walked in front of the trucks >:D hehe
Schudini said:
You should have seen the way she was checking out the NOS energy drink models walking in the parking lot during the rain delay (y)

That's what their purpose was?

The breeze was not quite strong enough to make that truly enjoyable.
JohnBChef said:
Wow! 6000 posts. I need to post more. I feel like I am falling behind!
nawww  yours are much more meaningful...
JohnBChef said:
Wow! 6000 posts. I need to post more. I feel like I am falling behind!

Congrats Mo.

JohnB, keep your posts down to 1000 words or less and you'll get to 6000 posts in no time.



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