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Houston AVers!!!!!!


Charter Member
SM 2009
SM 2007
SM 2004
SM 2003
Full Member
Mar 7, 2002
Gather yourselves together the morning of Sept. 29, 2007 to convoy up to New Braunfels to attend the Lunch at Grist Mill Restaurant over the Guadalupe River to Honor our beloved friend Goo929 on his birthday.

Departing Houston TBA

So far these are the H-town AVers that have signed up to attend:

Avz66, Mrs. Avz66, Avz66Jr., & Avz66Princess - 4
Texavfan - 2
Brickhouse AV - 2

H-towners are on the MAYBE list:

Texas-Space - 4

Come on H-town Avers let's get ya'll convoying down to New Braunfels on 9/29/07!  (y)
ORANGE05 said:
Are you coming to the one in Abilene this weekend
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When I say "working" at the airshow I mean working as a volunteer - it's not a paying gig!? ?I'd love to be able to hit more shows, but working for a living kind of gets in the way.?
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added CHAGO to the maybe list
Mrs.Avz66 said:

What time are we departing Houston? And when??
If its just me and you  :E: WHY post it  :laugh:
MissAvalanche said:
Post the departing time just in case any other H-towners can make it at the last minute on Saturday morning.....? ?(y)

MissAvalanche said:
Meeting Place: TBA

So what the Meeting Place  ??? So I can set my time
SA members will leave SA to Gruene on 35N, I just have to pick a place that ACA members can meet that will be convenient to getting off 35N and to get back on quick, I have thought of the Forum, but to get back on 35 from is not quick. 

AVZ66- Are you guys going to drive to SA?  Or are you going to try and meet up with us on the way there?
avz66 said:
H-towners are on the MAYBE list:

Texas-Space - 4
TexAVfan - 2
Brickhouse ? 2
Let go Houston AVers  :D