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Houston, TX Club or Events?

El Toro Negro

New Member
Jul 10, 2007
Houston, TX
Hello Everyone,

I'm a new member, new Avalance owner, and newer to Houston, TX.? Are there any up coming events near Houston/Austin/San Antonio or within the Southern region?

BF :help:
I'm not from around there, but I just wanted to say  :welcome:

I'm sure someone from that area will chime in - I think they are pretty active...
El Toro Negro said:
Hello Everyone,

I'm a new member, new Avalance owner, and newer to Houston, TX.? Are there any up coming events near Houston/Austin/San Antonio or within the Southern region?

BF :help:

:welcome: :wave:

Glad to have you with us!

There is a Houston event going on this Saturday, July 14.  There is a whole bunch of when and where listed here in the Texas area. 

I am the San Antonio Coordinator and I also help with Austin events.  We do have some GTGs (get togethers) coming up on July 20, 21 and August 1 in New Braunfles.

Check out the Texas area and you will see all that is going on!

H-town AV is the coordinator for the Houston area, contact him via PM (personal message and he will get you on his email list)  Also if you cannot contact him try Avz66, he helps out a lot with the Houston events.

Once again  :welcome:
:welcome: El Toro Negro and congrats on your new Av ownership.    :wave:
Welcome to the Club? :wave: El Toro Negro we have a gtg this weekend at Hooters. Check out this thread (y)

:welcome: to the club El Toro Negro!  Check out the thread for the Lunch GTG coming up this Saturday, July 14th.

What part of Houston?

Hello Everyone,

It's great to see that there are a lot of us out here.  I'm in the Beltway & Briar Forest area, and actually the Hooters is right down the street.  I'm going to be in Cabo San Lucas for the next week or so...Ya! I'm going to have to miss this event, but look forward to futures events.

I look forward to hanging with everyone. 

Take care,
El Toro Negro (y)