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HP Tuner


SM 2007
Full Member
Apr 10, 2007
Grand Rapids, MI
Hi ... I'm new here and I am embarrassed I have never heard of an HP Tuner. I have read several of the discussions but I haven't really been able to get a good idea of how it works and better yet how easy it is. Just so you know I attempted to search for info on this subject and wasn't to successful I am sure I'm doing something wrong. I currently have minor mods K&N Intake and I am about to order a Complete exhaust system (header back). Any info on the HP Tuner or links to discussions or how to search thoroughly (I went to search typed in HP tuner only checked AV performance mods and I got nothing useful) or  even a slap on the back of the head would be greatly appreciated.
HPtuners is great program for tuning but is not a "plug and play" tuner. It's not just a simple install and requires some learning. But if you are willing to invest the time and learn you can custom tune yourself. Don't be embarrased to ask Q's. We are all here to help when we can. Welcome to the club :welcome:


I'm hoping to get mine in the next few weeks >:D There are already a few that use it already and love it. I'm sure they can shed some light as well.
Flabuoy, KYBob, as well as many other knowledgable people.
trannyman said:
HPtuners is great program for tuning but is not a "plug and play" tuner. It's not just a simple install and requires some learning. But if you are willing to invest the time and learn you can custom tune yourself. Don't be embarrased to ask Q's. We are all here to help when we can. Welcome to the club :welcome:


I'm hoping to get mine in the next few weeks >:D

There's not much more to add to trannymans post.

It's not simple by any means.  There is no "performance tune" in the software but it gives you the ability to adjust more parameters than you ever knew existed.

Thanks for the info I am soooooo glad I found all these people who have the same questions I do. I am pretty computer saavy and love to learn (especially when learning = HP). I have decided since I signed up yesterday to trash my k&N and get a Volant. Once the weather warms a bot here in MI I an doing a full header back exhaust swap and would like to be ready to rock on the HP tuner. So I think I will get to orderin soon.

Thanks again cant wait to meet up with some fellow AV Crazed Maniacs

bjf102106 said:
Thanks for the info I am soooooo glad I found all these people who have the same questions I do. I am pretty computer saavy and love to learn (especially when learning = HP). I have decided since I signed up yesterday to trash my k&N and get a Volant. Once the weather warms a bot here in MI I an doing a full header back exhaust swap and would like to be ready to rock on the HP tuner. So I think I will get to orderin soon.

Thanks again cant wait to meet up with some fellow AV Crazed Maniacs

Good deal.  You sound like a good candidate for HPT.  It's not for someone that wants a quick easy tune but if your not afraid to spend hours staring at a laptop, it's the ticket.

Well its gonna cut into my pron viewing time but I guess its worth (hahaha J/k). I would much rather learn about my truck as well as the tuning parameters of modern computer controlled engines. Its probably more productive than American Idol......... Thanks again for the info I am sure I will have lots More questions
bjf102106 said:
Thanks again cant wait to meet up with some fellow AV Crazed Maniacs

Whatever do you mean :eek:......I'm not crazed......yes you are.........no I'm not.......be quiet...........no you be quiet :help:
bjf102106 said:
Roses are red violets are blue I'm a schizophrenic and so am I!

So what year AV do y'all have?

It makes a bit of difference for how helpful those with pre-'07 AVs and HPTuners can be.
The '07s are,,,,    different.
bjf102106 said:
Roses are red violets are blue I'm a schizophrenic and so am I!
Remember......you're never alone with a schizophrenic. One of my other personalities wants EFI live. One wants HPTuners. The one I really hate is the one that keeps telling me its only a truck :E: I've had enough of the modness.
ONLY A TRUCK? Its an SUV no wait its TRUCK .... its a transformer!!!!! I got the GM tent for mine I use it all the time....... good luck on your choice I will be watching closely to see what you decide. :offtopic:
bjf102106 said:
ONLY A TRUCK? Its an SUV no wait its TRUCK .... its a transformer!!!!! I got the GM tent for mine I use it all the time....... good luck on your choice I will be watching closely to see what you decide. :offtopic:

It's a Truck,,,? ? It's an SUV,,,? ? ?It's a camper/RV,,,? ? It can tow,,,? ?It can haul,,,? ? It rides better then most cars,,,? ? It can go off road,,,? ? ? It can go to the track,,,

It's the perfect vehicle for schizophrenics!!
You forgot plow >:D .
Speaking of multiple personalities..................................

Who am I and how did I get here.


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