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I Have Difficulty Changing Lanes!



I've had this issue ever since I purchased my Av last December, but even more so now that the truck is lifted.

And no, it's not because the mirrors aren't big enough, and no it's not because there's a big blind spot, and not because of limited rear vision. It's because the other cars next to me keep wanting to get a good look at my truck and they are continually matching speed with me so I can't make the space I need to change lane!

I was on my way back to the office just now and almost had to drive another block because the car to the right of me kept matching pace. I saw him and his passenger pointing either at my wheels or my cladding. I basically cut him off to make my turn. I felt a little rude in doing so, but what else was I supposed to do? I live in super-jaded Orange County in Southern California where being stuck up is cool :9:, so I find it odd to be happening quite so often.

Anyone else experience this phenomenon or am I just stroking myself? :D
The AV's do get the looks, but I have never had anyone just ride beside me. If they don't go on past, I just go on and leave them looking, that way they can see the what the back looks like too.
Dante said:
Anyone else experience this phenomenon or am I just stroking myself? ?:D

If you don't then who will? ;D

Thats a very nice Av you have there.

Not only do people look and block me from changing lanes(accidently), but their is usually someone by my AV when I come out of the grocery store or Wal-Mart. They are looking and pointing. It still happens. I feel embarassed when I hit the open door button and they walk off like they weren't looking.

Gaulking......thats what you call it. But as I drive off I smile a bit. ;D


I love the attention, even if it is sometimes bothersome.
I had a big smile when a guy drove by my Av (couldn't see me inside of it cause of the limo tint) stopped, and backed up, and I could read his lips as he said "nice truck" to his buddy. They sat there staring at the front end about a min probably discussing the billet grille/bowtie or headlight covers. I was happy... ;D
Wiki said:
...their is usually someone by my AV when I come out of the grocery store or Wal-Mart. ?They are looking and pointing...
Look on the bright side. People are less likely to key or break into your AV when you have someone checking it out. :D

As far as lane changes, you could get those little round mirrors to attached to your side mirrors. They would give you a wider view. I find that people in subarus like to speed up and close the gap as soon as I put my blinker on to change lanes. Everytime that someone has sped up to not let me in, they were driving a subaru. Wierd. I, personally, think that it is AV envie.
Hey I can totally with having "small car complex".

I actually have a '94 Honda Civic that I drive to work during the week and I save the weekends for my Av(today was an exception).

Boy I tell ya, when I'm in my Civic I'm definitely on the short end of things. I basically get treated as if I'm not on the road, as if I'm an inconvenience to other drivers. I get cut off left and right, at night I have to deal with bright lights from other trucks, you know all the things that make you glad you're driving an Avy. I usually spend 6 minutes of my 8 minute commute wishing I took my Av instead.
Traffic in Seattle is so congested now that you can't change lanes. Whether they are looking at you or not, there will always be someone beside you. :7:
You know this begs to be said.... It's not a bad problem to have, and the worse thing that happens is you drive around an extra block and get to spend more time in that great vehicle. :cool:

Gosh it's a tough life! ;)
Most of the gawking I get is when I go camping and pull the popup camper. People at campgrounds are really into campers and the tow vehicles. Everytime I camp, the people from all over want to talk to me about the truck, and most either say they wish they had an Av or talk about how they may buy one next.

Of course when I camp, I get to show everyone full use of most of the Av's great features, including the removable bed covers, saddle compartments, midgate, etc. They watch for an hour as I keep unloading or loading more and more stuff from the Av. It's like the neverending clowns that come out of the little circus car. That really gets people's attention, and jealousy!

One of the main reasons I bought the Av was because I thought it would be good for camping. I could never have imagined just how good it is! I don't know how I'd ever go with any other vehicle now!
I get a lot of people that like to drive in my blind spots. Not particularly because they have any interest in the truck, they just aren't very bright. It's especially bad on the roads known for having frequent speed traps. These cars don't want to be the fastest car on the road but they want to be about a half a car length back from the fastest car on the road.

Then they get mad when you don't see them and want to change lanes.

I had one car in particular that stayed right there no matter how fast I was going. If I speed up, she speed up, if I slowed down, she slowed down. The odd thing was it was a 6 lane road (3 in each direction) and we were about the only two cars within a mile that were going the same direction.

I finally started to get annoyed and floored it (speed limit was 45mph) and had it up to 70mph, then slammed on the brakes and came to a full stop right in the middle of the road and she went flying by me. It took her a second to realize I wasn't there anymore and then she slammed on her brakes too. And of course, she went sliding and somehow ended up off of the road and almost into the ditch.


Boy I guess she really didn't want to be seen on radar or something. Perhaps her speedometer was broken? but seriously, I know what you're talking about. I think when alot of people drive they basically disconnect their brains from their spinal cords once the key is inserted into the ignition. By travelling next to you, getting caught for speeding is less likely and one less thing to have to think about. You can spot these drivers quite frequently on the freeway; they are the ones flying in "diamond formation" or "missing man" formation blocking all the other cars behind them.

My wife drove my AV for the first time on Monday... to the airport so that when I arrived it would be waiting. I didn't want to leave the AV parked outside at our rural airport for several days. My wife is very shy and couldn't stand the gawking she got driving the big vehicle and certainly found it difficult to change lanes. She was scared to death she might do something wrong in my new toy.... She was happy to be back in her van.
I have to agree with PDXKevin. I live in Massachusetts, where people don't know how to drive anyways, and those who do are rude. If you are in a big vehicle like an Av, the little cars, especially Subarus and Dodge Neons, will not let you go. I'll put my signal on to change lanes, and some little car is pulling up to get in front of me. God forbid I go first. And forget about merging. You'd think in an Av people would let you have the right of way. Not here in New England! I had a Sebring try to run me into the guardgrail to get in front of me at a toll booth! It was pretty funny.
Christy2176 said:
I live in Massachusetts... I'll put my signal on to change lanes, and some little car is pulling up to get in front of me. ?God forbid I go first.
Stories I've heard about Boston say that signalling is a sign of weakness. Never let them know what you're about to do, just do it! >:D

Sounds like it's the same all over the state. :rolleyes:

Not much better in New York, either. :6:

-- SS
Well, I guess I'm glad it's not me! I was starting to feel as though everyone had a vendetta against me! :D
"signalling is a sign of weakness" - that's a good one!

How about this one:

Traffic signal turns red. There's 3 lanes- two of the lanes have cars already occupying them. You and another car (in "flying formation" of course) are 100+ yards away and you approaching in the "open" lane. All of a sudden, it's a race to the stoplight! The car cuts in front of you just to get the open lane.

I love those drivers very much. NOT! :8:
That sounds like the mad dash to the open drive-in teller window at the bank!

Here in NJ the little cars seem to get out of my way. In rural areas, trucks rule the roads. It's when I'm in my car I feel like I'm invisible, even though the car is fire red.
Red light.
road ahead leads down a steep hill
I'm in right lane, little car in left.
Taco Bell entrance in on the right.
Green light.
Cross street
Little car gets a hankerin' for some tacos.

Now, I love this hill. It's right by my apartment and I like flooring it and taking the hill and curves as fast as possible.

Had I not been too tired to floor it, I would have t-boned that damn car and sent it rolling sideways down the hill.

As it was, they got their damn tacos. :8:
ShapeShifter said:
Stories I've heard about Boston say that signalling is a sign of weakness. Never let them know what you're about to do, just do it! >:D

Sounds like it's the same all over the state. :rolleyes:

Not much better in New York, either. :6:

-- SS
And I thought it just Texas ;)
midlifecrisis said:
That sounds like the mad dash to the open drive-in teller window at the bank!

Here in NJ the little cars seem to get out of my way. ?In rural areas, trucks rule the roads. ?It's when I'm in my car I feel like I'm invisible, even though the car is fire red.
I call that "right of way by tonnage. >:D
I seem to have this problem when riding on the GSP as well, for some reason I always tend to gather a following of pointing individuals and grinning kids....and my fair share of ticket dodgers who like to form a line behind me with the hopes that the cop will nail the great white hype first......hasn't happened yet, much to their dismay I'm sure... :B:
I live in big truck country.....Farmland where everyone drives a truck. It doesn't keep them from gawking at my Av though. I have had farmers do a doubletake more than once on the highway. It is only a matter of time before you will see shovels and irrigation pipes riding in the back. ............