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I Love My Cladding


SM 2003
Full Member
Jan 6, 2003
Onalaska, Texas
So I'm driving in Houston yesterday in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic; I hear this God awful crunching and scraping sound and realize the lady on my right has just pulled into me. I pull in front and go in the next parking lot--I'm pissed!!!! I get out and go around, the lady is apologizing and accepting blame all the time as she's getting out of her car. Said she was trying to read the street signs. So I keep my temper in control and realize everyone messes up from time to time, but I'm still afraid to look at the side of my truck. I finally look, and can't see anything wrong. Finally after looking close enough I see some small scratches in the cladding just behind the front wheel. That's it, hardly noticable unless you really look close. Meanwhile the whole side mirror has been ripped off her car and is just dangling by one wire. I told her to be more carefull in the future and we go about our business. If I didn't have the cladding, I'm sure it would have been much worse.
Glad to hear everything is OK with you and the AV Dukester. I'd hate to thing what it might look like without the cladding also.

Sure you don't have some whiplash in your neck or soemthing? LOL ;)

Several months ago while driving down the interstate near my home a Honda decided that he liked my lane better and bounced off the drivers side of my Av at the drivers side passenger door. He ripped his entire front end off! Damage to mu truck...two pieces of cladding needed replacement which the dealer put on while I waited. I also love my cladding.
Dukester said:
So I'm driving in Houston yesterday in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic; I hear this God awful crunching and scraping sound and realize the lady on my right has just pulled into me. ?I pull in front and go in the next parking lot--I'm pissed!!!! ?I get out and go around, the lady is apologizing and accepting blame all the time as she's getting out of her car. ?Said she was trying to read the street signs. ? So I keep my temper in control and realize everyone messes up from time to time, but I'm still afraid to look at the side of my truck. ?I finally look, and can't see anything wrong. ?Finally after looking close enough I see some small scratches in the cladding just behind the front wheel. ?That's it, hardly noticable unless you really look close. ?Meanwhile the whole side mirror has been ripped off her car and is just dangling by one wire. ?I told her to be more carefull in the future and we go about our business. ?If I didn't have the cladding, I'm sure it would have been much worse.
Aah, war stories for the next GtG! Glad to hear it was not serious. Can't have a GtG without the Duke and his Av.
Once again the cladding proves why it was there to begin with!

Glad to hear you are OK Dukester!
I love the cladding too :love:. It took a hit today :cry:.

We were delivering a load of stuff to my grandma's house today and we went down her VERY tight alley. Well, my mom was trying to avoid scratching the driver's side from being scratched by some bushes that these lazy people did not trim and we ended up scraping the passenger side of the Av on a dumpster :8:. The brunt of the damage occurred on the piece of cladding behind the back door. There is a little scratch on the cladding on the back door but it isn't worth the $ to replace that piece.

I am so pleased with the cladding. When it hit, I was in the passenger seat and looked out the side mirror to see the cladding be torn off :eek:. It was rather sad. We got it back on (somewhat) but it will need to be replaced. I love the cladding and it will be such a shame if it is discontinued. I really like the WBH but our situation would be so much worse if the very same thing happened to it.

Finally, by looking at this pic, how much do you suppose it will cost to replace this piece of cladding?


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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :cry: poor truck!!!
maybe it needs a kiss Jim ;) Dont Be Shy give the Green thing a Big Kiss.... then it will be all right
Great story and gotta love the cladding ;D
CoAvZ71 said:
Finally, by looking at this pic, how much do you suppose it will cost to replace this piece of cladding?
About $100-$200 or so should be all.

Following the thread of the Cladding Armor, I got rear-ended by a full size Chevy Van carrying several members of a girl's high-school swim team and their coach/chapparone. She hit me hard enough to fold her license plate right around my hitch receiver (this was before I had my Avalanche Hitch Cover thank goodness). The cladding on the bumper came right back down into place after the impact and there isn't a visible mark on it at all. There was what looked like a scratch down the right side of my hitch receiver, but when I touched it it flaked right off. Turns out it was just paint from her license plate.

Damage to the van, new license plate and a creased front bumper. Damage to the AV.... NADA. I think they look just fine, but try that in a WBH.

I scraped a concrete light standard at the store. I heard it but to this day cant see where I hit. What a great thing! :B:
I got "tapped" at a stop light yesterday afternoon by a Honda Civic Wagon. No scrapes, no marks, nothing. The Honda - busted his bumper facia, seperating it along the bottom. Now it's hinged along the top. A few (unenlightened) years ago, I had a similiar expirence in my Dakota Quad Cab, it had to have a new rear bumper.

Avalanche - Like A Rock!

Ahhhhh...The cladding is wonderful. The first time it saved me was on the third day I had my AV. I was at Sam's un-loading one of those big flat bed carts. While I was standing in the back of the AV the wife handed me the last box and the lack of weight caused the cart to roll down the ramp it was on. I landed on the ground about the same time the cart hit the cladding. The original " AHHHHHHHHHHH" turned out to be a ...." wow..cool, it hit the cladding". That was the first of three times the cladding has prevented a nice scar.

However..just yesterday I noticed my first ding. Where was it? The one place the cladding is not....over the wheel wells :E:. A nice little dent all the way to the paint. I would like to find the responsible party and just hit them repeatedly with my door. :8:

Later all.
