So I'm driving in Houston yesterday in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic; I hear this God awful crunching and scraping sound and realize the lady on my right has just pulled into me. I pull in front and go in the next parking lot--I'm pissed!!!! I get out and go around, the lady is apologizing and accepting blame all the time as she's getting out of her car. Said she was trying to read the street signs. So I keep my temper in control and realize everyone messes up from time to time, but I'm still afraid to look at the side of my truck. I finally look, and can't see anything wrong. Finally after looking close enough I see some small scratches in the cladding just behind the front wheel. That's it, hardly noticable unless you really look close. Meanwhile the whole side mirror has been ripped off her car and is just dangling by one wire. I told her to be more carefull in the future and we go about our business. If I didn't have the cladding, I'm sure it would have been much worse.