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Installation of factory brush guard


Full Member
Sep 20, 2005
I recently purchased a used factory brush guard. I am having a great amount of difficulty installing this stupid thing. Does anyone have pictures instructions etc. about installtion of the bumper gaurd. At this point I am less than impressed with the qaulity of the product and should probably have went with an aftermarket piece. Any help would be highly apreciated. :help: :E:
look in cafcna album



Sorry, I don't have any tips on installation.  Are you not happy with it because of the quality/construction or because of the fact that installation is a PITA?  Just wondering since I'm researching brush guards now.

I purchased the brush guard because of the looks and still like the looks. I did not realize that the support structure underneath the cladding was so thinly made. I should have done some more investigating before the purchase. Installation was a PITA, and I did not like cutting the cladding on the front bumper.

I found the installtion instructions on the board, and thanks for the replies.

For looks, I really like the guard, for protection factor I do not like it.
Gm brush guard is not for protection against heavy objects but will work against brush....
ygmn said:
look in cafcna album



Does anyone have a copy of all 6 pages of the installation instuructions that are readable? I can only see the two pages in these PDF's.  If not I may be able to get them from a dealer.
those are the only 2 pages....

the other 4 are in different languages...

what can you not read?
stingray502 said:
Then what is a sturdy guard that work against something bigger than brush? One of those cop car front guards?
what do you wanna hit?

New STEEL BUMPER with built in STEEL bursh guard...

will weigh a bunch...
May effect the air bag going off...
Thanks ygmn,

I printed out the pages and they are readable, On my computer screen they looked like they had missing text.  I'm good to go now.  Now it's fab time.
stingray502 said:
Then what is a sturdy guard that work against something bigger than brush? One of those cop car front guards?

I'm thinking about a WAAG frontrunner, but I'm looking just to protect against things like parking lot impacts, etc. and for a place to hang some extra lighting.


[Then what is a sturdy guard that work against something bigger than brush? One of those cop car front guards?/quote] LOL,  :laugh:

LOL, That's funny my wife has a black suburban. I think it would look sweet with a pushbar grill guard. The only problem is I know she WOULD use it.
I just want to be able to bump draft somebody....you know if they are doing 60 in the fast lane..just give them a nudge enough to unsettle their vehicle, and make them move

thats too funny  :laugh:i want to do that to some peaple i live in new egland and we have the worst drivers .nice stingray