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Insurance Rates


Charter Member
Full Member
Jan 24, 2002
:cautious:I was quoted a insurance rate of $901.35 for six months by state farm. Seems alittle high to me! Antique or show cars are not considered as a second car for a multi car discount.
Seems high to me as well but depends on record state levels etc etc..

I pay around 950 a year for 100/300/100
I have State Farm and my insurance rates are 1/2 of that. ?I live outside a major metro area, however the metro Seattle area has lower insurance rates than my previous ports of call, Houston and Boston.

I do carry a $1,000 collision deductible ?:eek:. ?My logic behind it is if I wreck my Av and it's my fault, then I deserve to be punished fiscally for my stupidity. ?Likewise I carry a $250 comp deductible on the same train of thought. ?If a tree falls on my parked Av that's not my fault, and I shouldn't be punished for an act of God. ?The rest of my coverage is pretty standard for bodily injury and property damage. ?$1,800 for a year seems awfully high to me.

BTW - my wife got in an at-fault accident last year that caused over $18,000 in property damage (no serious injuries thank God). ?So that rate I'm quoting you (about $450 for six months) includes the wrath of State Farm for my wife's attempt to drive a Thunderbird through a Toyota Land Cruiser... ?:rolleyes:
See if you can qualify for USAA insurance...

Must be an officer in armed services (or parents were and they covered you once). They have the best rates and service of anyone I quoted.
$786 per year with $50/500 deductibles. The biggest factors are where you live, your household and your driving/claims history. Use package discounts if you can.

State Farm is also notorious for paying a claim and surcharging to recoup costs over just a few years.
I have State Farm and I am paying $704 a year for 100/300 and $500 deductible, but I also get Premium reduction of $158 for multicar and safe driver discount.
I'm paying $528.00 per year, but have multiple car discounts, defensive driving and have the AV insured as pleasure only (not to and from work), 100/300/100, $500 deductible for comp and $1000 for collision. I also have my homeowners with the same company, so I think I get an additional discout for that as well. :)

My wife had an accident 2 years ago and the insurance company put a surcharge on the premiums of that vehicle only. :( From what I understand, the surcharge goes away 3 years after the accident.

Overall, rates depend on age, marital status, # of vehicles, driving record, location and probably a few other things..... ???
Because a Av. is such a high profile vehicle my insurance Agent suggested I have the windows etched with the VIN #. I found a etching kit on the net for $20.00. The biggest problem doing it yourself is getting the sticker straight when the job is done.
The discount was $26.00 a year. It will pay for itself in less then 1 year and I have a little more theft protection.
I can see I have nothing to complain about because I live in urban midwest and have a State Farm premium of $612.00 a year.

I have Nationwide Insurance and pay $ 1,270 a year But I do have to have 500/500/500 because I use my Av for Company business. But I'm on the Auto Allowance, which allowed me to turn in the company F150 and it pays for the insurance and the payments!
Want to talk insurance rates here in New Jersey, the wost in the world!!!

I was paying $1900 a year with Liberty Mutual for full coverage for one year. I since then smartend up and dropped them.

I am now fully covered un New Jersey Manufacturers insurance for about $1400 a year, but they pay dividends so I expect some money back at the end of the year.

To bad you have to live in state to take advantage of this.
:cool: :p :) You guys are makin' me smile ... I am about 30 miles North of San Francisco and I am with California Capitol. They get $570 per year for my Z66. (Sorry, but I am sure glad I'm not in New Jersey)
Just got my quote today in Phoenix AZ - $732 for six months with $1K deductible. The replacement parts cost given to the agencies by Chevy is high, so the vehicle is rated as "very expensive to repair" and thus the rates are high.

Anyone getting around $600 a year has an AMAZING policy and should kiss their agent once a month !!!!
That's not that far from where I'm at, I live in Linden that about 1 hour maybe 1 1/2 from you.

I'm about 10 minutes south of Newark.

You guys aren't too far from me either. I'm about 5 miles south of Philly airport. I guess all our locations will come in to play when the first regional cruise/event is scheduled.

I live about 80 miles north of Newark NJ and I'm only paying about $875 for one year with $500 deductable. But New York is catching up to New Jersey in insurance costs! ;-)

Helmut in upstate NY
:)Apparently I'm real lucky - Nat'l Ben Franklin policy in western Chicago suburbs, $504 per YEAR. Good driving record and I'm one of those old guys - been driving for 34 years. I guess they make up for it on my 94 Suburban driven by my 16 year old - Liability only for 1150 per year.
I'm married (baby on the way) 32 clean driving record. I live in Illinois and I get muti-car discount, plus some discount for having my house insured by State Farm as well. I have 100,000/300,000. $250 on collision and zero deductible on comprehensive. I pay $427.49 every 6 months and I'm pretty sure my vehicle is listed under pleasure also since I don't work. I just now turned 800 miles. I bought it January 4th.