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Intermittant humming noise


Full Member
Sep 18, 2006
Sumter, SC
Just thought I'd post, althought figure I will get same response the GM tech gave as, when we went on a drive, we could not duplicate.
Too keep it pretty short, I was driving to ATL airport.  Pretty much soon as I got on the highway, A really annoying indescrible noise decides to tag along with me.  Best I could describe it is a buzzing/humming noise from front of my truck (between windshield and Bumper).  I cannot pinpoint where exactly.  It seems to be consisitant with road speed, never changing pitch.  Its happened from as lows as 45mph, to the fasted my ride was (80mph).  Faster I go, the more constant it is.  Also seem to be wind related.  I even stopped at a gas station and taped the crap out of my turn sig lights as I thought those were coming loose.  That did nothing.  It did it almost all of my 4 hour ride to the airport.  A week later driving back, still a windy day, it only did it off and on, which is why I suggest its a wind noise.  Anybody ever had this occur?  Ideas where to look?    I'm tired of this noise.  Now that I'm putting around town (30 to 55mph)  I have only heard a short burst of it, maybe 3 times this whole week total.  PLease save my sanity!!!
Do you have a bug/stone guard installed?
I get a hum like that when I run over 60 mph and into the wind.  Drives me crazy too.  Mine seems to go away when I let off the gas though.
no bug guard or exterior accesories installed, sounds does not go away after taking foot off the gas.  Heading into the the wind may be apart of it, as I can hear wind noise by the windows (windy days)
Roof rack?  Move the crossbars all the way back, or remove them entirely.
Sounds like the right/left (or both), windshield strips vibrating. Instructions to cure with double sided tape posted in here somewhere.
TommyD said:
Sounds like the right/left (or both), windshield strips vibrating. Instructions to cure with double sided tape posted in here somewhere.

That's where I was going with the bug guard question.

Check out this:

What Is That Flapping Noise???
TommyD said:
Sounds like the right/left (or both), windshield strips vibrating. Instructions to cure with double sided tape posted in here somewhere.
hmmm...maybe I will check the windshield flaps out next...

No roofrack installed for  the few posts up above.  I will post if I figure out.  Thankx all
Take an air hose with a blow nozzle on it, with the hood open, blow the air horizonatlly accross the engine bay and around your trim.  If you have something slightly loose or out of alignment, you can usually excite it like this.  You have to look for the buzz because you may not hear it the same way since you have the sound of the blow gun, but look for anything that is vibrating (underhood insulation, grille closeout panel, inner fender seals etc.)

Good luck,

anglarry04 said:
hmmm...maybe I will check the windshield flaps out next...

Just put some tape along the windshield moulding and test drive, if noise stops, you have it isolated.
im gonna take my tonka out back and shoot it.  I STILL cant find the source.  I pulled the lights completely out and all.  Same noise.  Guess Im yanking off my wiper arms...start eliminating more stuff.  Yanking more stuff narrowing it down.  Glad I didnt drive it to greenville this past weekend...2 hours wont wrack my nerves