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Is Jack Daniels Drying Up?


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Sep 23, 2002
Emporia, Indiana
I heard this story on our local news tonight so I looked it up online. It seems the water supply for making JD is somewhat running low! A spokesman says if they do not have what it takes to make JD he suspects we won?t make Jack Daniles until we get all the ingredients we need.

Full Story Here....

I know Jack Daniels has been a good friend of MTAC lets wish them well!


Tell me your joking !!!!!!!!!!
We desperately need some rain.  I had not heard about the JD spring until now. I no longer care about my yard. I want it to rain so we can still have our TN Sippin' Whiskey. :cheers:
    I saw this story a couple of days ago. I didn't want to say anything for fear of upsetting TrAVelingman. It would break his heart!
JohnBChef said:
? ? ?I saw this story a couple of days ago. I didn't want to say anything for fear of upsetting TrAVelingman. It would break his heart!

Maybe he should have bought that barrel........ >:D  I would be surprised if they end up needing to stop production, just a heads up....STOCK UP!  :love:

Please say it ain't soooooo.......... :( :( :( :( :( :(

Calling the Prayer hotlines now......gotta get rain, gotta get rain,

Doin the rain dance, you should see me now....... >:D
And here I am just worried about my 'mater plants because of lack of rain! ?:needhug:
Did not know it was that bad, up here it's been raining and hot, bugs love it. I guess I'll stick to the single malts
Z66 BUTCH said:
And here I am just worried about my 'mater plants because of lack of rain! ?:needhug:
? ? Priorities man Priorities!!! I'm sorry TraV. It'll be okay. I just wish I was there to hold you. I know how upset you must be getting. I'm sorry brother.
trAVelingman said:

Please say it ain't soooooo.......... :( :( :( :( :( :(

Calling the Prayer hotlines now......gotta get rain, gotta get rain,

Doin the rain dance, you should see me now....... >:D

Quick, go wash your truck!
trAVelingman said:
Please say it ain't soooooo.......... :( :( :( :( :( :(

Calling the Prayer hotlines now......gotta get rain, gotta get rain,

Doin the rain dance, you should see me now....... >:D
SciFiGuy01 said:
Time to head down to the liquor store and start stocking up.? :needhug:

Maybe thats what they hope you do :D
cadboy1 said:
Maybe thats what they hope you do :D
Hey, that's what happens when people get scared.
If your scared, say your scared, it's okay.
As long as they keep making Absolut...I am ok :love:
there are alternatives ya know....


Freebie said:
There is no alternative!? >:D
Any rain down that way yet?

We have had a few isolated thunderstorms the last week, but not the soaking rain that we need.  The last time it rained any significant amount was during.... :mad:...Music City Mayhem.. :(