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Is The Avalanche A Truck Or An SUV???

It comes up for me right away right now.

Do you still have this problem???

Also do you consider it a truck or an suv??
It is neither!!!! It is an AVALANCHE..... A CLASS ALL BY ITSELF >:D
It's as much a truck as any short box 1/2 ton, IMHO.
It's a 21st century :2:4 door El Camino!

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I have seen it referred to in truck magazines as an XUV.

"X" being "unknown"

My GM Certificate of Origin (Title) says it is a MPV (multi-purpose vehicle)

I myself, I kinda like the XUV nomeclature...the unknown utility vehicle!
Here in NJ it's registered as a CrewCab truck.

So, I'll go along with the government for once >:D

It's a truck :B: (y) :love:

differences between a Avalanche, a Truck and a SUV

1. some SUV's are front wheel drive (with the exception of a few "trucks" that I can think of, Volkwagen Pick-up, Subaru Brat) all trucks are rear wheel drive.

2. Some SUV's can be confused with station wagons, an Avalanche, and a Truck do not have this problem.

3. Many new SUV's have the "looks like a mini-van" complex, again Avalanche and a truck do not have this problem.

4. I am not sure where there is a confusion with the Avalanche and a SUV began, there is only one common denominator that I can think of....The Chevy Suburban...they both have the same chassis (the only difference between it and a truck chassis is the rear axle mounting)

5. Most all trucks have a subframe chassis....the majority of SUV's on the market are of unibody construction.

6. Show me an SUV with a bed

7. When the Lamborghini LM5000 was introduced in the 1980's, (the 1st vehicle with a construction similar to the Avalanche) NOBODY confused it with a station wagon or a minivan.

8. If I take the back window out of my 3/4 ton Pickup truck and put in a hardshell bed cap...would that make it a SUV?

'nuff said for now!
spork_av said:
all I can say, is that my registration says it is a truck.... ? ?:B:

Mine does also, even has a class 2 truck sticker. ?I'm sure it is a truck and not an SUV.