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It's been a year!


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Aug 20, 2006
Like the title says, It's been a year posting (5000) posts here without major issue's.? It's been 2 years since I moved back to Florida and to be honest, this site and it's members have been a vary large part of my life here.

I moved back to Florida (I'm a true Florida native) in October of 2005.? Spent some time here and the other AV sites.? I couldn't wait to get here to be part of such an active group of people.? My first GTG was an Orlando Lunch.? I don't remember everyone who was there, but I do remember OviedoAV, DougD and 420greg being there.? That's when my credit card became friendly to Oviedo's website.? :D Or maybe that should be? :E:? Either way, I was immediately hooked!

Then came the Crystal River GTG hosted by Dune.? Well worth the drive.? I never experienced anything like that before and was immediately dumbfounded by the generosity of members to help each other out.? My first time meeting Dune, Grnxnam, Hugs, Lord Aries, Redleg and the guy with the funky parrot! :D? (And BBD, even though she doesn't remember seeing me there)? I left there with a strong desire to start drilling holes and cutting off panels in my AV.? But that's a good thing. And I cant forget SNGTG hosted by Travelingman and the MTAC crew. I stayed just sober enough to remember the entire week.

I left this site for a while.? Had a whole lot of issues come crashing down at once.? Played "sneak & peek" here on occasion and kept in touch with? members via other sites and phone calls.? Being a member here, making such friends made my personal issues a bit easier to handle. As last year brought some $$ issues as well as a divorce.? The members here helped me see there is life after divorce? >:D and helped keep my head on straight.? I even found an old Basic Training buddy thru this site, go figure.? (CISCO!!! Whats up brotha)

I guess I've rambled on without really saying much, but I guess I just wanted to say thank you to those who touched my life in so many ways.? If I've left your name out please don't take it personally, there are so many of you that I hold dear for several reasons.? I should just copy and paste the member list below. >:D

Just a few I'd like to acknowledge for doing things that I know about, were kept secret from me, or helped me out without even knowing they did.

And a special thanks to: YGMN, DougD, SteelHeadChaser and the other Mods, admins, CC's who allowed me to continue to be part of such a great family.? Without them I'd be stuck on some obscure little site somewhere debating to buy a ridgeline.

Thank you all so very much? :love:

Yes, I know that it isn't officially a year until Monday.? But, I'll be busy chopping up modding Sk8decks AV on Monday and wont have time for this post.

Tdybr27 said:
So, you buy that Subaru yet?

:laugh: :love: (y)

:yourock: :cheers:

I left that topic out, knowing you would have great joy in bringing it up!  :B:
its great having you around...I look forward to seeing you around here for many more years!
Yup, I am keeping his desire to own another AV in check by letting him work on mine while I learn from the master..

First lesson I learned, keep plenty of Mtn Dews on hand.
Second, not to ask where does that wire go?
Third, not to ask what was that loud bang was?
Fourth, how do you know all of this stuff?

Answers to the last 3... "not sure, just faking it"

LOL, Tango I have learned that you have the patience of a saint. Thanks for all your help in modding the AV and giving me more ideas on what to do. So how do you plan on installing those new strobes???

sk8deck said:
Yup, I am keeping his desire to own another AV in check by letting him work on mine while I learn from the master..

First lesson I learned, keep plenty of Mtn Dews on hand.
Second, not to ask where does that wire go?
Third, not to ask what was that loud bang was?
Fourth, how do you know all of this stuff?

Answers to the last 3... "not sure, just faking it"

LOL, Tango I have learned that you have the patience of a saint. Thanks for all your help in modding the AV and giving me more ideas on what to do. So how do you plan on installing those new strobes???

Duct tape??  :dunno:
J...you are the best! Even though I have yet to meet you, I already know why so many people call you friend and family on this site! Without even knowing me you arranged a GTG for me when I was in Florida! You are very giving yourself!!!

Can't wait to meet you at STI!

see you soon buddy..  Maybe BBD will remember this time, and she doesnt spend it all by the pool...
sk8deck said:
Yup, I am keeping his desire to own another AV in check by letting him work on mine while I learn from the master..

First lesson I learned, keep plenty of Mtn Dews on hand.
Second, not to ask where does that wire go?
Third, not to ask what was that loud bang was?
Fourth, how do you know all of this stuff?

Answers to the last 3... "not sure, just faking it"

LOL, Tango I have learned that you have the patience of a saint. Thanks for all your help in modding the AV and giving me more ideas on what to do. So how do you plan on installing those new strobes???


Wayne, please keep in mind that there are 4 different types of fires capable of being produced by J working on your truck. Each type has different characteristics like smell, color, and style of smoke. Each also has a different method required to extinguish. Please ensure that you have each method available and that you have filed the appropriate papers with your local Fire Dept and that you post in a visible location your permit for outdoor burning!

>:D  Party on J !  >:D