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It's Official I'm a Teacher!


SM 2004
Full Member
Apr 1, 2004
Wake Forest, NC
    I just wanted to let everyone know... I have been officially offered the job of my life. I got the job as a Chef instructor at Vance-Granville Community college. I can tell you that I very excited about this. I have wanted to get out of the a la carte kitchen for quite a few years. The stress, heat, and hard working conditions over the nearly 11 years that I have been a professional chef have really gotten to me. When I left Florida I wasn't really sure what oppertunity I was going to find in North Carolina. I was leaving a 4 star 5 AAA Diamond resort, and moving to Oxford, NC essentially out in the middle of nowhere. The one thing I have known throughout my career I really enjoy teaching people how to cook. As I demonstrated at STI-IV last year.
    The only bad thing about this is the extremly quick turnaround... Currently I am in Baltimore, MD. Next Thursday August 2nd after work I will drive back to NC. I have a meeting with the Director of the Culinary program on Friday, August 3rd. I pick up my class information, and teaching manuals. Saturday I pack up my truck with my portable mod kit and head back to Baltimore. Wednesday, August 8th is my last day of work in Baltimore. Thursday August 9th I fly out to Michigan. I mod and mod and mod... then mod a little. On Monday August 13th I fly back to Baltimore. On Tuesday August 14th I drive back to NC. That same day at 5:30pm I have my mandatory you can't do Jack without this new instructor orientation meeting. Wednesday the 15th I have a meeting with the director of the program to go over any last minute items and review my syllabus. Then Thursday August 16th, at 8:00am... I have my first class. I am teaching Restaurant management, Basic culinary skills, and Bread Baking this semester. The cool part is that I will be part time this semester so I will have time to go to GTG's... like STI-V  :D

    I'm so happy I was dancing when I got the news! This is so cool :D
Congrats JB..  Sounds like everything is coming into place.. 
And sounds like a very busy August..!!!!

Bread baking sounds like fun..!!!!!
? ?congrats.? you must be a pretty good cook.? i will have to get your way sometime to have a taste.

  instead of JohnBChef we will have to call you JohnBChef-Instructor.
Dude that is sweet!!!! Congrats JB, I know this means a lot to you.

Let us know if we can help you get back and forth or move anything to NC for you.

Way to go!!!!!

Congrat's Little Bro!!!!  Can't wait to have you back home, we have missed you!!!
Congrats John, I am glad you got the dream job you always wanted....it will make working for a living fun again..and looks like you have some miles to cover, too :eek:

If this semister while baking bread you happen to make too much banana nut bread..sent to to Palm Coast..that's my favorite :love:

Good luck with your new job!! (y)

SO did you move up to NC with no job?
stingray502 said:
Congrats John, I am glad you got the dream job you always wanted....it will make working for a living fun again..and looks like you have some miles to cover, too :eek:

If this semister while baking bread you happen to make too much banana nut bread..sent to to Palm Coast..that's my favorite :love:

Good luck with your new job!! (y)

SO did you move up to NC with no job?

That seems to be the way to do things presently.  Avalanche Fox and Wolf moved from California to Tennessee this month with no job and no house.  In a matter of less than a week, they had both.  I knew JBC would have no problem landing the job, people can feel the passion from him when he speaks.
trAVelingman said:
That seems to be the way to do things presently.? Avalanche Fox and Wolf moved from California to Tennessee this month with no job and no house.? In a matter of less than a week, they had both.? ?I knew JBC would have no problem landing the job, people can feel the passion from him when he speaks.

I'll give you this, if I was to ever leave FL..the only place I could imagine live would be NC. My wife has family up there and it is beautiful country. I don't think I have it in me to let loose sell everything and move, although my wife would do it in a heartbeat!  Apearently John does (y)
Congratulations!!!!  I am glad that fate has brought you to your dream job.  As owner of a restaurant and having been a baker / pastry chef since 1983, I feel your pain about the stress of the culinary environment.  Best of luck to you!!!  (y)

JohnB influencing the minds of our youth

Fear engulfs me >:D
Congratulations John. I remember when you where up here you mentioned you wanted to do that. I'm glad it finally happened for you. Good luck.
Wonderful!!!!! See I told you  something GREAT is in store for you John!!!
Your students are sooooooooooo lucky to have  the opportunity to learn
from the Master!!!!!  much luv!!!!
Congrats John. Teaching folks how to cook in Granville Co. should be quite a challenge. Take away our frying pans and lard...what a terrible thought. I know a few folks at Vance-Granville if you need any help. They can be bribed with some good food. Take care and we hope to see you soon.



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